Got this because I was sick of not having a headboard. Overall, decently sturdy. The center three pegs dont all evenly touch the ground, but it does not seem to make a difference. I do not have a box spring and I am glad I dont. if you have a box spring you likely will not see much of your headboard. Easy to put together!
Pretty easy to assembly, definitely requires two people for parts of it. I give it a 4/5 because the metal slats didnt quite fit in properly and were making a clanking noise every time I hopped on it -- BUT easy solve was to use some of that Gorilla Grip shelf liner you can cut up, folded underneath the slats. Problem solved, and now the bed is super sturdy and doesnt make noise during any jumping, other activities ,etc. So really great value for the price and so far its very study with that quick fix.
Great value for the price
Got this because I was sick of not having a headboard. Overall, decently sturdy. The center three pegs dont all evenly touch the ground, but it does not seem to make a difference. I do not have a box spring and I am glad I dont. if you have a box spring you likely will not see much of your headboard. Easy to put together!
Very sturdy
It was easy to assemble good quality and is sturdy Excellent buy!
Easy to Assemble
Great Product Chic
Good bed frame
Love how easy to assemble and how tasteful it looks
Easy and sturdy
Waited a long time for the perfect fit and I love it. So easy to deal with that my husband never even raised his voice. I recommend it to anyone.
Perfect size
I liked that it wasnt bulky. The metal was smooth and didnt have any sharp edges.
Love this bed for the price
Pretty easy to assembly, definitely requires two people for parts of it. I give it a 4/5 because the metal slats didnt quite fit in properly and were making a clanking noise every time I hopped on it -- BUT easy solve was to use some of that Gorilla Grip shelf liner you can cut up, folded underneath the slats. Problem solved, and now the bed is super sturdy and doesnt make noise during any jumping, other activities ,etc. So really great value for the price and so far its very study with that quick fix.
I love my bed! I love the look it gave to my room! Very comfortable.
My son love it!
Its Sturdy great color! Very well made
Great quality
Good product for the price. Easy to assemble. Sweet and comfy
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