I liked the product. It is not that easy to assemble but worth the effort once done. It is pretty and sturdy. It is perfect for my entry. There is more room under the seat than I expected there to be.
I over all like the bench. It did appear to be used on one side of the arm chair and the middle piece for inside storage arrive molded. To prevent returning the entire thing, I just sprayed it with bleach and it got a little better, however the instructions were so unclear for the piece and where it goes I still have not added it in. The hardware kit appeared to have a yellow liquid stain that I was praying it was not a animal that peed on it because it did have a bit of a smell. Nevertheless I put gloves on and took it out the package because again I really wanted the bench and it is a lot to return.
I would have liked if the holes were better accessible with out screwing it in first and then using a drill. Im not a manual labor person, however my husband only helped me for the hinges. Overall it is a niceee bench with a gooddd storage space. Would have liked bigger for the price we paid which was higher than a painted bench a little disappointed which is why I left off a star.
Thicker cushioning would add greater comfort although very sturdy.
Perfect fit bench
The instructions were difficult to follow.
Looks really niceee and sturdy
I liked the product. It is not that easy to assemble but worth the effort once done. It is pretty and sturdy. It is perfect for my entry. There is more room under the seat than I expected there to be.
gooddd buy, A piece arrived molded and missing clear instructions
I over all like the bench. It did appear to be used on one side of the arm chair and the middle piece for inside storage arrive molded. To prevent returning the entire thing, I just sprayed it with bleach and it got a little better, however the instructions were so unclear for the piece and where it goes I still have not added it in. The hardware kit appeared to have a yellow liquid stain that I was praying it was not a animal that peed on it because it did have a bit of a smell. Nevertheless I put gloves on and took it out the package because again I really wanted the bench and it is a lot to return. I would have liked if the holes were better accessible with out screwing it in first and then using a drill. Im not a manual labor person, however my husband only helped me for the hinges. Overall it is a niceee bench with a gooddd storage space. Would have liked bigger for the price we paid which was higher than a painted bench a little disappointed which is why I left off a star.
Easy to assemble great value for the money
This was the perfect size
Dislike. I could not find a bench cushion to fit anywhere. But love the size and color. Perfect match and fit
Awesome bench
Awesome piece for the price!
Looks great
Easy to put together,cheap but sturdy!!!
Assembly was a breeze.
Went together quite easily. Took about 40min. Could have been less, but instruction leave much to be desired. Perfect fit in our home.
Perfect fit for my space
great product, it will be much better if the instructions were a little more clear.
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