This was pretty easy to assemble, I got it completely put together by myself within an hour. Its sturdy and doesnt wobble or creak when getting in and out of it. It also sits pretty high off the ground so there is a ton of storage space underneath if needed.
I did not put this together. I helped though and my husband gets frustrated pretty easily. We bought 2, so the first one is always harder to figure. Overall, when it is done, its a nice looking frame and very sturdy.
Bed is decent, but I needed some replacement hardware, and the product support number here on goes to a fake number with no VM. I tried emailing their product support, and no reply or even a confirmation. The description of the warranty and support in the product listing is just totally a lie.
Product was terrible to assemble. I had letters on parts that werent in the directions and vice versa. I also had mislabeled parts. Eventually I got fed up and didnt go by the instructions anymore. Then it got put together pretty quick. Overall sturdy. Not quite as nice looking in person, but it does the job.
I dont usually have the confidence to take on this kind of project by myself., but I managed to complete the assembly in one afternoon. The instructions were clear, the labeling of pieces were clear and the various screws bolts were well organized. The bed seems sturdy. This will be used primarily as a guest bed.
The process of putting this together was not as bad as some have suggested. I found it to take just over an hour. The directions are vague and I wish I knew to order some things differently, but overall it wasnt any worse than your average build.
As for the quality, this was a mixed bag. The parts were solid and all there. However, there were some superficial dings and scratches. Nothing that stood out at a distance, but definitely there to bother the perfectionists. For the Price I cant complain too much.
Now for the place where it excelled and exceeded my expectations:performance. This is a solid, stable and sturdy base for my new foam mattress. I was nervous hearing reviews that it isnt quiet during adult activities but my experience was the opposite. Not a squeak, groan or creak out of this thing.
Overall, the packaging and cleanliness/pristine condition of the parts could be improved. As far as I am concerned the performance is most important and I am happy with this bedframe overall.
This bed is absolutely beautiful!! The instructions were clear and the parts were clearly labeled. Each piece was carefully wrapped. It took a little while to assemble but instructions were very clear. This bed is sturdy and beautiful. So happy I chose this bed. I love it!!!!!
great bed!!! frame for the price
This was pretty easy to assemble, I got it completely put together by myself within an hour. Its sturdy and doesnt wobble or creak when getting in and out of it. It also sits pretty high off the ground so there is a ton of storage space underneath if needed.
great bed!!! for my 6 son
Assembly went well, after identifying the mislabeled and . Instructions are correct. Just those pieces are mislabeled.
Better than last one I bought.
Too old for that. Had my grandson put it together.
Nice construction
I did not put this together. I helped though and my husband gets frustrated pretty easily. We bought 2, so the first one is always harder to figure. Overall, when it is done, its a nice looking frame and very sturdy.
Product support is non-existent
Bed is decent, but I needed some replacement hardware, and the product support number here on goes to a fake number with no VM. I tried emailing their product support, and no reply or even a confirmation. The description of the warranty and support in the product listing is just totally a lie.
Assembly pain
Product was terrible to assemble. I had letters on parts that werent in the directions and vice versa. I also had mislabeled parts. Eventually I got fed up and didnt go by the instructions anymore. Then it got put together pretty quick. Overall sturdy. Not quite as nice looking in person, but it does the job.
Set it up myself
I dont usually have the confidence to take on this kind of project by myself., but I managed to complete the assembly in one afternoon. The instructions were clear, the labeling of pieces were clear and the various screws bolts were well organized. The bed seems sturdy. This will be used primarily as a guest bed.
A little bit scratched, but solid for price
The process of putting this together was not as bad as some have suggested. I found it to take just over an hour. The directions are vague and I wish I knew to order some things differently, but overall it wasnt any worse than your average build. As for the quality, this was a mixed bag. The parts were solid and all there. However, there were some superficial dings and scratches. Nothing that stood out at a distance, but definitely there to bother the perfectionists. For the Price I cant complain too much. Now for the place where it excelled and exceeded my expectations:performance. This is a solid, stable and sturdy base for my new foam mattress. I was nervous hearing reviews that it isnt quiet during adult activities but my experience was the opposite. Not a squeak, groan or creak out of this thing. Overall, the packaging and cleanliness/pristine condition of the parts could be improved. As far as I am concerned the performance is most important and I am happy with this bedframe overall.
More beautiful than pictured
This bed is absolutely beautiful!! The instructions were clear and the parts were clearly labeled. Each piece was carefully wrapped. It took a little while to assemble but instructions were very clear. This bed is sturdy and beautiful. So happy I chose this bed. I love it!!!!!
love it!!!Pretty good!
love it!!!. So sturdy and perfect for our room
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