My granddaughter loved the vanity stool. Its a little tall for her now but its sturdy and should last for several years. Its perfect for her princess room.
Absolutely adorable! I bought this for my almost 10 year old daughters vanity in her room. She loves it and thinks the material is so cool and soft. It was easy to put together and seems sturdy.
So happy I found this chair! I do a lot of video recording and was looking for something that matched my style. I knew it had to be something not everyone else had. This popped up in my search and it was surprisingly affordable. Easy to assemble and sturdy! Beautiful chrome base and chunky casters. Rolls smooth and is comfortable sitting for any length of time. And it looks aming! ??
12 screens and an Alan wrench.
Very easy to install. Shouldnt take much to figure out.
Different deco!
It is very cute and sturdy, just a little pricey
Buy it!
This stool turned out so perfect in my bedroom! I love the look of it, its very lightweight and pretty sturdy! Already came assembled
Keep l ranch it gets loose once in a while
Very cute! Easy to Assemble
Perfect for my Moms vanity area. She loves it. It was very easy to put together. It included an Allen wrench and thats all that was needed.
Fit for a princess
My granddaughter loved the vanity stool. Its a little tall for her now but its sturdy and should last for several years. Its perfect for her princess room.
Love this chair
Super cute and so soft love love love it
Absolutely adorable! I bought this for my almost 10 year old daughters vanity in her room. She loves it and thinks the material is so cool and soft. It was easy to put together and seems sturdy.
It was pretty
I was sent 3 legs and I had to send it back, plus it shed a lot.
The Absolute Cutest!
So happy I found this chair! I do a lot of video recording and was looking for something that matched my style. I knew it had to be something not everyone else had. This popped up in my search and it was surprisingly affordable. Easy to assemble and sturdy! Beautiful chrome base and chunky casters. Rolls smooth and is comfortable sitting for any length of time. And it looks aming! ??
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