Its not a bad deal considering the price but I was expecting it to feel a bit more sturdy and less like an piece. However, it does the job and looks great.
Easy to put together by myself. I love the way it looks and the seat cushion is comfortable. The drawers are big enough for shoes or other small itemsI love it.
Nice piece. Toy box is our use of this item. Heavier than expected ( which is good) its basically cheap furniture so dont expect fancy furniture. With that said its a good relatively sturdy piece. It went together fine except fir the first screws stripped the particle board immediately so I tried the longer screws( big mistake see pics* anyway that flaw is hidden under drawers so its ok. I used my hot glue gun to fix the crew issue, either fine. The drawers can fit in top space but the bottom is not solid so openings will show ( if u choose to put on top) I say flip it over and Cut and glue a piece of board there If u want to use drawers on top. This piece is not any harder to put together than furniture if youve ever done that, the instructions were not great but not terrible just read and reread and read ahead before you do any next steps and youll be fine.
After fully assembling the bench we realized the drawer part G was broken. Is there any way we can get that one part so we do not have to dissemble the whole thing?
I looked for a lot of benches that would have storage for a number of shoes, but also be sturdy. I was pleasantly surprised by this bench. It was very easy to assemble and looks great in our entry to greet guests.
Great shoe rack
Shoe rack and it was perfect
Not perfect but not bad
Its not a bad deal considering the price but I was expecting it to feel a bit more sturdy and less like an piece. However, it does the job and looks great.
Size matters
The size of this product did not measure up. Not able to be used as a seat as it is to low. May work well for a childs room.
love it
Easy to put together by myself. I love the way it looks and the seat cushion is comfortable. The drawers are big enough for shoes or other small itemsI love it.
Nice piece, about like , glad I bought.
Nice piece. Toy box is our use of this item. Heavier than expected ( which is good) its basically cheap furniture so dont expect fancy furniture. With that said its a good relatively sturdy piece. It went together fine except fir the first screws stripped the particle board immediately so I tried the longer screws( big mistake see pics* anyway that flaw is hidden under drawers so its ok. I used my hot glue gun to fix the crew issue, either fine. The drawers can fit in top space but the bottom is not solid so openings will show ( if u choose to put on top) I say flip it over and Cut and glue a piece of board there If u want to use drawers on top. This piece is not any harder to put together than furniture if youve ever done that, the instructions were not great but not terrible just read and reread and read ahead before you do any next steps and youll be fine.
Fast response time and delivery.
Very sturdy construction. All hardware included and easy set-up.
Broken piece
After fully assembling the bench we realized the drawer part G was broken. Is there any way we can get that one part so we do not have to dissemble the whole thing?
Great addition to any closet
Great addition to my closet. Easy to put together. Ample space for shoes as well as a covered storage area. Looks nice and is also sturdy.
Small and Surdy
Very easy to put together and solid, sturdy wood!
Great value and Sturdy
I looked for a lot of benches that would have storage for a number of shoes, but also be sturdy. I was pleasantly surprised by this bench. It was very easy to assemble and looks great in our entry to greet guests.
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