for the price I was a little skeptical but having it for about two months now. It is very sturdy, was very easy to assemble and is the perfect low to the ground bed!
I really think UPS hates to deliver these heavy boxes the first one came with missing pieces and broken however the company promptly sent me a new box was very easy to assemble the directions were easy I love this bed it’s very sturdy
Great sturdy bed. The slats that go under the mattress comes off every time you go to move the mattress to change the sheet. The slats need to be screwed down.
This bed is cute and I like the yellow color. This bed was harder to assemble than other beds this style and it seems not quite as sturdy. This bed is for our guest room, so I’m not worried enough about the sturdiness to return it since it won’t be used on a regular basis. But if you plan to use this bed a lot, you may want to consider looking into another brand that has better reviews for sturdiness.
It looks nice. Not too hard to put together but due to some pieces not being that great it also gave some trouble. But it worked out in the end. It took my mom and I about 2 1/2 hrs to put it together.
My sister loved her bed! The only problem is that the instructions only had pictures not words. Also I just wished that the wood parts had letters to be a little more easier to assemble it. It took us a good 2 and half hours to assemble it. But overall she’s really happy with her bed.
Was very worries when I received the package and it seemed like we didn't have all the parts. However, the other pieces are packed inside the headboard! Luckily after reaching out to customer service they informed us of where the extra parts were. I wish it said that somewhere either on the information page or inside the box. Regardless this is a great bed frame! It's true to color.
We designed and well built!
We designed and well built!
sturdy strong bed
for the price I was a little skeptical but having it for about two months now. It is very sturdy, was very easy to assemble and is the perfect low to the ground bed!
Great deal! Sturdy piece and affordable. Makes my room smell like fresh cut pine too. Bonus!
Easy to put together, beautiful
Easy to put together. Wish instructions were a tad more clear. Love the product!
Love it
I really think UPS hates to deliver these heavy boxes the first one came with missing pieces and broken however the company promptly sent me a new box was very easy to assemble the directions were easy I love this bed it’s very sturdy
Screw the slats down
Great sturdy bed. The slats that go under the mattress comes off every time you go to move the mattress to change the sheet. The slats need to be screwed down.
Cute, but hard to assemble and not very study.
This bed is cute and I like the yellow color. This bed was harder to assemble than other beds this style and it seems not quite as sturdy. This bed is for our guest room, so I’m not worried enough about the sturdiness to return it since it won’t be used on a regular basis. But if you plan to use this bed a lot, you may want to consider looking into another brand that has better reviews for sturdiness.
It’s nice
It looks nice. Not too hard to put together but due to some pieces not being that great it also gave some trouble. But it worked out in the end. It took my mom and I about 2 1/2 hrs to put it together.
Pro and Cons
My sister loved her bed! The only problem is that the instructions only had pictures not words. Also I just wished that the wood parts had letters to be a little more easier to assemble it. It took us a good 2 and half hours to assemble it. But overall she’s really happy with her bed.
It's inside the headboard!
Was very worries when I received the package and it seemed like we didn't have all the parts. However, the other pieces are packed inside the headboard! Luckily after reaching out to customer service they informed us of where the extra parts were. I wish it said that somewhere either on the information page or inside the box. Regardless this is a great bed frame! It's true to color.
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