Product is incredible for the price. It was relatively simple to assemble and the quality is excellent! I would highly recommend this product. M child loves it and it doubles as a play fort and bed!
We bought this bed for our 5 year old and he loves it! And we do too. It's solid, feels very sturdy. Took my husband about 2 hrs to put it together. We got the taupe/grey one and it looks great. We live in the woods and this bed fits right into our home. It's like having a tree house in his room. Fun bed for kids to play and sleep. We received it within 2 days of purchase.
My 4 year old loves it. He likes the windows and door down. Kinda makes it cozy I guess. I'm a 39 year old woman and I put it together alone, I think it took about 3 hours. (That included my 4 year old helping and losing parts) The directions are clear and it all went together without any problems. It is very sturdy. It also is the perfect height to put boxes with toys under it for storage.
It was relatively simple to assemble and the quality is excellent! I would highly recommend this product
Product is incredible for the price. It was relatively simple to assemble and the quality is excellent! I would highly recommend this product. M child loves it and it doubles as a play fort and bed!
the sides (or option to buy them) making it easy for small children to fall over the side
Very cute but no rails on the sides (or option to buy them) making it easy for small children to fall over the side.
LOVE this bed! It is so adorable! My 4 year old son absolutely loves it. Fairly easy to assemble. Glad that its metal vs cheap particle board/wood.
Great beds.
Our two girls 6 and 9 love these beds. They have their own space though they share a room. The price is very afforabe and it's built solid!
Awesome bed!!!
Incredibly well constructed! Built to last, very sturdy! Back open, great for privacy in front
So super cute. Totally sturdy and suprisingly not a pain in the ass to put together. My daughter is 3 and loves it!
Made well
Made out of sturdy metal not cheap material. My toddler loves it
Tree House Bed
We bought this bed for our 5 year old and he loves it! And we do too. It's solid, feels very sturdy. Took my husband about 2 hrs to put it together. We got the taupe/grey one and it looks great. We live in the woods and this bed fits right into our home. It's like having a tree house in his room. Fun bed for kids to play and sleep. We received it within 2 days of purchase.
Love it!
Love this bed. It cute made of metal and easy to put together
This will definitely last!
My 4 year old loves it. He likes the windows and door down. Kinda makes it cozy I guess. I'm a 39 year old woman and I put it together alone, I think it took about 3 hours. (That included my 4 year old helping and losing parts) The directions are clear and it all went together without any problems. It is very sturdy. It also is the perfect height to put boxes with toys under it for storage.
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