Product was for my great grandson. He loves it but assembly was a bear. Instructions were not very clear or easy to follow. I would not want to put another one together!
I was surprised to receive 3 boxes of parts! The instructions were relatively clear, therefore, the installation went fairly quickly. It has not been easy finding boxes to fit into the various compartments. Also, I had originally purchased an adjustable base with a memory/foam mattress. When the mattress was delivered, I was informed that the base would not work with our storage bed. That was disappointing!
Very satisfied with the bed and its overall sturdiness as well as appealing looks. It took many hours to assemble but the instructions were pretty easy to follow most of the time.
This bed is VERY sturdy and not cheaply made. Take your time and follow instructions. There are 4 boxes of materials and instructions are only pictures / no written. We made one mistake and were able to correct it without having to take everything apart.
This bed is solid wood and is beautiful. It did take a couple of evenings after work to put together but it wasnt that bad. The directions were good and all pieces were there. The first 3 boxes came a day before the 4th and I got a little worried and contacted the seller. They reassured me that sometimes UPS delivers them separately and they should be there the next day / which is what happened.
Great instructions, well made and sturdy, very impressed with product. Storage is fantastic
Nice design.
Product was for my great grandson. He loves it but assembly was a bear. Instructions were not very clear or easy to follow. I would not want to put another one together!
My 12 year old loves this bed. Took some time to build, definitely worth it.
Nice bed good features.
Nice bed. Took all afternoon to assemble.
Perfect fit!
Love the finished product! Fits our tiny space perfectly! Instructions were clear if you dont rush though it.
Sturdy and useful
I was surprised to receive 3 boxes of parts! The instructions were relatively clear, therefore, the installation went fairly quickly. It has not been easy finding boxes to fit into the various compartments. Also, I had originally purchased an adjustable base with a memory/foam mattress. When the mattress was delivered, I was informed that the base would not work with our storage bed. That was disappointing!
Worth the effort to build at a nice price for the quality
Very satisfied with the bed and its overall sturdiness as well as appealing looks. It took many hours to assemble but the instructions were pretty easy to follow most of the time.
Much nicer then expected
High quality and really modern bed. My teenage daughter was so happy when she saw it assembled.
High quality, sturdy product
This bed is VERY sturdy and not cheaply made. Take your time and follow instructions. There are 4 boxes of materials and instructions are only pictures / no written. We made one mistake and were able to correct it without having to take everything apart.
Nice loo
This bed is solid wood and is beautiful. It did take a couple of evenings after work to put together but it wasnt that bad. The directions were good and all pieces were there. The first 3 boxes came a day before the 4th and I got a little worried and contacted the seller. They reassured me that sometimes UPS delivers them separately and they should be there the next day / which is what happened.
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