One drawer slide was damaged when received. We received replacement within days of contacting seller. Bed took some time to assemble but not difficult for this grandmother. Great loo bed. Its just what we wanted.
Amazing ,All in all the quality of the bed is very sturdy and very heavy duty. The coloring is nice and I love the texture, The only thing is that the front board of the arrived cracked so during assembly we realized this but the bed was already half way put together, mind you their are over 100 screwspegs so me being the fixer I am, I opted to go get brackets from my local Lowes instead of having to de/assemble the bed and figure out how to pack it back in the 2 boxes and send it back all for 1 board. Im not sure if the cracked board was due to manufacturer mishandling or delivery driver mishandling. But so far the brackets are doing fine regardless. For the price I paid I would have hoped they would of been a bit more careful. Other than that this is a Beautiful Bed. My sons love it.
I read the reviews that said this takes a while to build. They are right. But what I did was watch some good tv while building each component and prepping all the pieces. The next day, I assembled them. The assembly after all the prep took about 1/2 hours, which isnt bad. I also did most of it on my own. The 14 year old helped here and there. Very sturdy!! One complaint is that all the slats seem to be cut to fit the assembly, while the bed itself is slightly larger. This led to a few slats being a bit too short and screws splitting the wood of the frame because they were too close to the edge. I would suggest the manufacture ship one group of slats and another forthe main bed slats. They shouldnt try to do this one/size/fits/all approach because one size doesnt fit both. Other than that, it is very cool and works extremely well for a teenage boy. The drawers for clothes is a plus.
Great after purchase service!
One drawer slide was damaged when received. We received replacement within days of contacting seller. Bed took some time to assemble but not difficult for this grandmother. Great loo bed. Its just what we wanted.
Beautiful and sturdy
wow! ! Easy to pull out; love the drawers; sturdy and beautiful quality.
Kid Friendly/Adult Quality
Amazing ,All in all the quality of the bed is very sturdy and very heavy duty. The coloring is nice and I love the texture, The only thing is that the front board of the arrived cracked so during assembly we realized this but the bed was already half way put together, mind you their are over 100 screwspegs so me being the fixer I am, I opted to go get brackets from my local Lowes instead of having to de/assemble the bed and figure out how to pack it back in the 2 boxes and send it back all for 1 board. Im not sure if the cracked board was due to manufacturer mishandling or delivery driver mishandling. But so far the brackets are doing fine regardless. For the price I paid I would have hoped they would of been a bit more careful. Other than that this is a Beautiful Bed. My sons love it.
Look super nice
Its very nice and good quality
Love it!
It looks aming, completely functional, and super easy to assemble.
Great loo bed
While tedious to put together its a sturdy beautiful piece
Best bed
love it, the color is beautiful! Its also very big!
Sturdy, not too hard to assemble, but needs longer slats on the main bed.
I read the reviews that said this takes a while to build. They are right. But what I did was watch some good tv while building each component and prepping all the pieces. The next day, I assembled them. The assembly after all the prep took about 1/2 hours, which isnt bad. I also did most of it on my own. The 14 year old helped here and there. Very sturdy!! One complaint is that all the slats seem to be cut to fit the assembly, while the bed itself is slightly larger. This led to a few slats being a bit too short and screws splitting the wood of the frame because they were too close to the edge. I would suggest the manufacture ship one group of slats and another forthe main bed slats. They shouldnt try to do this one/size/fits/all approach because one size doesnt fit both. Other than that, it is very cool and works extremely well for a teenage boy. The drawers for clothes is a plus.
Great value for the money
nice bed, great value for the price. Also looks very nice.
Very easy assembly
Easy to assemble / sturdy super convenient shelves on the bottom would definetely recommend
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