No directions. Parts would not fit together. Seller non-responsive. Basically I could've use the trampoline for my children and seller just wouldn't help. I have no confidence in this seller. Buyer be aware.
This is a great trampoline and can fit two kids in without too much of a problem. My 4, 6, and 9 year olds love it. I tried it out (130bs) and found the bounce impressive. The only downside is when kids are jumping, the trampoline can shift.
We've had this set up in our apartment for a few days now. Our five year old and two year old love it. It's sturdy. Easy to slide around on the carpet. The materials appear to be of good quality. We would absolutely recommend this to others!
Absolutely loved this purchase! It is a great value for the money and much bigger than I expected. My grandkids Absolutely love this. The only reason I gave 4 and not 5 stars is because it was a but difficult to put together, especially the legs. However, you maybe better mechanically inclined than I am. But, it is a great buy!
Hardware is absolute Chinese garbage. The captured nuts dont go in far enough. I have no idea how anyone could put it together if you actually used the supplied tools. Used a 10mm 1/4 ratchet and a screw driver. Bolt wont turn anymore (screw stripped at the head) so Ill try using a vice grip. May return it or get new hardware. Havent decided yet. Cant wait for America to start building products here again on mass scale.
Buyer be Aware
No directions. Parts would not fit together. Seller non-responsive. Basically I could've use the trampoline for my children and seller just wouldn't help. I have no confidence in this seller. Buyer be aware.
great price
great trampoline for younger kids! got it for my five year old but my 2.5 year old loves it! im 175 and i can jump in it with them. great price too!
This is a great trampoline and can fit two kids in without too much of a problem. My 4, 6, and 9 year olds love it. I tried it out (130bs) and found the bounce impressive. The only downside is when kids are jumping, the trampoline can shift.
Awesome trampoline for young kids
We've had this set up in our apartment for a few days now. Our five year old and two year old love it. It's sturdy. Easy to slide around on the carpet. The materials appear to be of good quality. We would absolutely recommend this to others!
Very sturdy and easy to put together
This is a wonderful trampoline for my granddaughter who are 5 and 6. It was easy to put together and its very sturdy.
Quality Trampoline for littles
This is a great trampoline for little ones. It was easy to build and is great quality.
Sturdy but installation guide is not well written
Bought for 3yo's birthday. Took a few hours to install. Cons: Installation guide missed some details which made installation harder.
You won't regret it!
Absolutely loved this purchase! It is a great value for the money and much bigger than I expected. My grandkids Absolutely love this. The only reason I gave 4 and not 5 stars is because it was a but difficult to put together, especially the legs. However, you maybe better mechanically inclined than I am. But, it is a great buy!
Very easy to assemble, very sturdy, and grandson loves it.
Hardware is absolute Chinese garbage. The captured nuts dont go in far enough. I have no idea how anyone could put it together if you actually used the supplied tools. Used a 10mm 1/4 ratchet and a screw driver. Bolt wont turn anymore (screw stripped at the head) so Ill try using a vice grip. May return it or get new hardware. Havent decided yet. Cant wait for America to start building products here again on mass scale.
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