My son's sensory seeking needs lead him to spend 2-3 hrs a day jumping. He trashed his last trampoline, it just couldn't handle the heavy daily use. This trampoline can handle it! It's very sturdy. The netting and netting frame is very well made. The spring padding stays in place, does not slip. It's big enough for two kids to jump at the same time. It was easy to put together. It's low enough to the ground that it fits indoors just fine.
Little troubles with bolt/screw and nuts not tightening up all the way... DIRECTIONS soso.. when putting in big bolt/screw.... helping hand... it's the Bolt, then a curved washer.. then goes through hole then another curved washer, a locking washer then the nut. Might have to get bigger screw driver too. Tools included small. It did come with a sturdy spring T tool. Other than that direction pictures okay. And my kids love it. Kids 9and11yrs old and 50lbs and100lbs.
My son loves to jump on this trampoline, I just wish it were made better or the company provided better support. I'm willing to update this review if my situation gets resolved via support. (UPDATE: They told me too bad, warranty is 30 days and after that you're on your own. You can buy new parts separately but they will not stand behind the product.)
Our son is only about 35 lbs at time of writing and got this for his birthday last year (July 2021). As of March 2022, the support legs along the ground have split and rusted. I contacted the company to have them send out a replacement part, only to be given a price list and advised to let them know if I want to buy one. Call me crazy, but I think it should last longer than 8 months.
Overall, a fun idea but don't expect it to last more than 1 season.
Kids like it.
Nice trampoline, kiss like it,and seems very sturdy.
Kids love it
This is the best purchase I've made
Great trampoline for toddlers
Perfect size for 4 toddlers to jump together.
Great for sensory seeking jumper
My son's sensory seeking needs lead him to spend 2-3 hrs a day jumping. He trashed his last trampoline, it just couldn't handle the heavy daily use. This trampoline can handle it! It's very sturdy. The netting and netting frame is very well made. The spring padding stays in place, does not slip. It's big enough for two kids to jump at the same time. It was easy to put together. It's low enough to the ground that it fits indoors just fine.
Not too bad
Little troubles with bolt/screw and nuts not tightening up all the way... DIRECTIONS soso.. when putting in big bolt/screw.... helping hand... it's the Bolt, then a curved washer.. then goes through hole then another curved washer, a locking washer then the nut. Might have to get bigger screw driver too. Tools included small. It did come with a sturdy spring T tool. Other than that direction pictures okay. And my kids love it. Kids 9and11yrs old and 50lbs and100lbs.
Great product
Not cheap, we'll made...recommend
Cheaply made, no support to speak of
My son loves to jump on this trampoline, I just wish it were made better or the company provided better support. I'm willing to update this review if my situation gets resolved via support. (UPDATE: They told me too bad, warranty is 30 days and after that you're on your own. You can buy new parts separately but they will not stand behind the product.) Our son is only about 35 lbs at time of writing and got this for his birthday last year (July 2021). As of March 2022, the support legs along the ground have split and rusted. I contacted the company to have them send out a replacement part, only to be given a price list and advised to let them know if I want to buy one. Call me crazy, but I think it should last longer than 8 months. Overall, a fun idea but don't expect it to last more than 1 season.
Well made and easy to assemble
Solid construction, tools needed to assemble are included. I put it together by myself in less than three hours.
My toddler loves it
Love thats safe for my toddler to play
An absolute blast for our kids!
An absolute blast for our kids!
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