Great product! Four kids ages 3-8 jump comfortably together! I was worried it would be too small but its honestly a great size. Great for kids that need to get energy out together/before homework. Doesnt take up too much space. Durable, strong, sturdy, great colors.
We bought this trampoline 3-4 months ago and like another review said, the stitches that hold the springs to the mat have already come undone. I am in the process of talking with the seller Crosslinks, but they have told me that it is already out of warranty. Im not sure what their warranty time is, but it must be less than 4 months. They have offered to send me a replacement mat and to charge me $20 for shipping. However, Im not sure I can dissemble and resemble this thing safely enough for my small children to jump. Im very disappointed honestly. I wouldnt recommend buying this product since it has known stitch issues after only a couple of months.
The legs are depicted as being blue, but the one they sent me has orange legs, not blue. Customers should know exactly what they're paying for, including how it looks.
Love, love, love. Grandma gave us for the 3rd birthday. Good quality! Stable. 2 kids fit there easily. We put it inside the house (for the bad and snowy weather) because we have big one on a backyard. I am 150lb and jump there.
Kid friendly
Great product! Four kids ages 3-8 jump comfortably together! I was worried it would be too small but its honestly a great size. Great for kids that need to get energy out together/before homework. Doesnt take up too much space. Durable, strong, sturdy, great colors.
Grandkids love this!
Great product
Very easy to set up, I did it by myself, do not buy a spring tool it comes with it. I would definitely recommend.
Stitches will break
We bought this trampoline 3-4 months ago and like another review said, the stitches that hold the springs to the mat have already come undone. I am in the process of talking with the seller Crosslinks, but they have told me that it is already out of warranty. Im not sure what their warranty time is, but it must be less than 4 months. They have offered to send me a replacement mat and to charge me $20 for shipping. However, Im not sure I can dissemble and resemble this thing safely enough for my small children to jump. Im very disappointed honestly. I wouldnt recommend buying this product since it has known stitch issues after only a couple of months.
Not as depicted
The legs are depicted as being blue, but the one they sent me has orange legs, not blue. Customers should know exactly what they're paying for, including how it looks.
Its the best trampoline that I purchased for my grandson he love it.
Love, love, love. Grandma gave us for the 3rd birthday. Good quality! Stable. 2 kids fit there easily. We put it inside the house (for the bad and snowy weather) because we have big one on a backyard. I am 150lb and jump there.
great gift
easy assembly, good height for a small child yet large enough surface area for several kids. i bought it for my 4 yr old grandson. he loves it
Perfect size for pre schoolers
I liked the size
Kids love it
Great birthday present close enough to ground for kids to get in and out on own.
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