Note: it's day 1 with this product but I'm impressed with the quality of the materials. The assembly, which was pretty easy, took about an hour with my wife and the kids love it. Seems safe, sturdy and roomy enough for my 3and5 yr old kids. Directions were not perfect or clearly well written in some places, but so it goes.
Great trampoline and the kids are impressed! Took my wife about 3 hours to assemble. I like how its low to the ground. My kids ages are 2 and 7. They fit perfectly.
I have this in my basement (finished basement play room). I got this for my kindergartner and it was the top present for Christmas. He was super excited. Jumping up and down in it nonstop.
It's always the first place his friends go to when they come over.
Seems like a solid build quality so far.
The spring tool made it really easy (I'd recommend dad assembles.) to install the many springs.
So why am I dinging it one star? I got a metal tube that didn't come with the required holes... Not happy on Christmas eve building this thing when I can't put the screws in because they forgot to drill the holes. Come on, guys. Seriously??? Ever hear of QC? Not that hard.
Anyway, luckily I had a drill on hand and I drilled the holes myself. They did offer to send me replacement part but I needed it on Christmas Eve, not a week later.
That said, the kid is enjoying it so far.
My Husband and Son put this together in 45 minutes. It said up to 4 hours so they were surprised how easy it was. We bought it for our Grandson for his birthday. He absolutely loves it! We love the quality. I highly recommend this product.
The manual was poorly written and very frustrating to use as a guide to assemble the trampoline. We read through it entirely before we started and noticed that it doesnt count for 6 washers. They arent spare parts. The manual just skips over them entirely. It calls for 6 washers but on both sides of the bar equally 12? Who knows... the manual sucks and the pictures dont show any detail. I dont recommend anything that has useless manuals like this. A few other hiccups came up because of poor instruction. Save your time and frustration and go with another trampoline.
Good product!!! good value
Note: it's day 1 with this product but I'm impressed with the quality of the materials. The assembly, which was pretty easy, took about an hour with my wife and the kids love it. Seems safe, sturdy and roomy enough for my 3and5 yr old kids. Directions were not perfect or clearly well written in some places, but so it goes.
Its a trampoline in the house
This thing is great for when my kids cant go outside.
Great trampoline and the kids are impressed! Took my wife about 3 hours to assemble. I like how its low to the ground. My kids ages are 2 and 7. They fit perfectly.
Kid loved it for Christmas. Big hit with friends.
I have this in my basement (finished basement play room). I got this for my kindergartner and it was the top present for Christmas. He was super excited. Jumping up and down in it nonstop. It's always the first place his friends go to when they come over. Seems like a solid build quality so far. The spring tool made it really easy (I'd recommend dad assembles.) to install the many springs. So why am I dinging it one star? I got a metal tube that didn't come with the required holes... Not happy on Christmas eve building this thing when I can't put the screws in because they forgot to drill the holes. Come on, guys. Seriously??? Ever hear of QC? Not that hard. Anyway, luckily I had a drill on hand and I drilled the holes myself. They did offer to send me replacement part but I needed it on Christmas Eve, not a week later. That said, the kid is enjoying it so far.
Great product! We are thrilled!
My Husband and Son put this together in 45 minutes. It said up to 4 hours so they were surprised how easy it was. We bought it for our Grandson for his birthday. He absolutely loves it! We love the quality. I highly recommend this product.
Frustrating assembly instructions
The manual was poorly written and very frustrating to use as a guide to assemble the trampoline. We read through it entirely before we started and noticed that it doesnt count for 6 washers. They arent spare parts. The manual just skips over them entirely. It calls for 6 washers but on both sides of the bar equally 12? Who knows... the manual sucks and the pictures dont show any detail. I dont recommend anything that has useless manuals like this. A few other hiccups came up because of poor instruction. Save your time and frustration and go with another trampoline.
Great value
The right size and safe. Just what we needed for our 5 year old.
Great indoor tramp for kids
2 and 3 year old love it. Gives all the kids something to do inside in the basement during the winter.
Perfect for kids...dont pass this up.
Easy to assemble and move around. Kids love it
Great Buy
Bought this for my 1 and 5 year old. Its a 5 star for me. Kids love it.
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