My 4 year old daughter loves it!!! Very sturdy
and spacious. It perfectly fits in our play room. My daughter loves to jump on her uncles outside trampoline so I am really happy that I was able to find this for both my daughters. Our 10 year old daughter enjoys it as well. The trampoline holds both of my daughters jumping and playing inside without issues.
Assembly took a while and its a little confusing but my husband was able to figure it out without issues.
Very recomendable!!!
We bought this for our 2 year old grandson. He loves it. The instructions were good making assembly easy for something with this many parts. The quality is good and it is safe to use on flat ground. We bought a mosquito net for the top and attached with close pins to keep out the bugs. Not sure this is something that will be easy to take down in the winter. Probably will need to leave it up year round.
Excellent for a couple of children with too much energy, they love it 100% recommended.
A small recommendation to the manufacturer to improve assembly instructions
Best purchase Ive made in a long time. It was a little difficult to attach the springs by myself but I was able to. I set it up in my daughter's room (she is 2 1/2) and shes been jumping ever since
We love this trampoline! I have a two year old and five year old and its the perfect Size. It feels very safe and is durable. We have had the trampoline for about 6 months and the zipper just came out so I cant zip it. Ive emailed the company about fixing or replacing it since this is obviously a safety issue. Will update my review once I get a response.
My grandsons are 2 and 4 years old, and this trampoline is ideal for them. It's lower to the ground so the 4 year old can easily get in and out by himself. He can also use the zipper with ease; no tugging. It is fully enclosed so I don't have to worry about either of them falling off. Another thing I really like is that the pad for the springs is attached to the trampoline mat so their little fingers and toes are safe. Well worth the price!!
OMG MY 20 MONTHS OLD TWINS LOVE IT. its so easy for them to get in and out, my husband took like an hour to put it together. Ill update my review with a video.
Awesome Trampoline!
My 4 year old daughter loves it!!! Very sturdy and spacious. It perfectly fits in our play room. My daughter loves to jump on her uncles outside trampoline so I am really happy that I was able to find this for both my daughters. Our 10 year old daughter enjoys it as well. The trampoline holds both of my daughters jumping and playing inside without issues. Assembly took a while and its a little confusing but my husband was able to figure it out without issues. Very recomendable!!!
Great fun good product
We bought this for our 2 year old grandson. He loves it. The instructions were good making assembly easy for something with this many parts. The quality is good and it is safe to use on flat ground. We bought a mosquito net for the top and attached with close pins to keep out the bugs. Not sure this is something that will be easy to take down in the winter. Probably will need to leave it up year round.
they love it 100% recommended.
Excellent for a couple of children with too much energy, they love it 100% recommended. A small recommendation to the manufacturer to improve assembly instructions
Great buy
Best purchase Ive made in a long time. It was a little difficult to attach the springs by myself but I was able to. I set it up in my daughter's room (she is 2 1/2) and shes been jumping ever since
Wonderful trampoline but zipper broke with use
We love this trampoline! I have a two year old and five year old and its the perfect Size. It feels very safe and is durable. We have had the trampoline for about 6 months and the zipper just came out so I cant zip it. Ive emailed the company about fixing or replacing it since this is obviously a safety issue. Will update my review once I get a response.
My grandsons are 2 and 4 years old, and this trampoline is ideal for them. It's lower to the ground so the 4 year old can easily get in and out by himself. He can also use the zipper with ease; no tugging. It is fully enclosed so I don't have to worry about either of them falling off. Another thing I really like is that the pad for the springs is attached to the trampoline mat so their little fingers and toes are safe. Well worth the price!!
cama el
Good buy.
Take 2 hours 2 people to assemble. Will be a nice addition to the kid assuming no summer camp this year.
Daughter loves it perfect size for my 3 year old very durable and easy to move around my yard. Can fit up to 3-4 kids in at one time to just jump.
OMG MY 20 MONTHS OLD TWINS LOVE IT. its so easy for them to get in and out, my husband took like an hour to put it together. Ill update my review with a video.
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