The assembly guide was not very good and provided not much help to assemble. it was actually very confusing and some parts did not make sense. But overall t is a nice trampoline for kids to jump around in it.
We have had this trampoline about 10 months and my kids love it 7 and 4 but unfortunately I dont think it holds up well. We live in San Diego so we get sun but no winter weather and the safety enclosure has ripped in 2 spots. Not happy that it hasnt even lasted a year ☹️
This is perfect for my 2 yr old and 9 yr old. Low enough to the ground that if little one falls out it wouldn't be a bad fall. Very happy with purchase.
Absolutely love it!! Both of my children (2 and 5 years old) and their friends love it!!! It was a bit difficult to assemble, especially the tough springs, but great product!!!
good trampoline
The assembly guide was not very good and provided not much help to assemble. it was actually very confusing and some parts did not make sense. But overall t is a nice trampoline for kids to jump around in it.
Grateful we chose this one
Perfect for out two year old and his friends.
Good deal
My girls love it good set up and rugged
Didnt hold up well!
We have had this trampoline about 10 months and my kids love it 7 and 4 but unfortunately I dont think it holds up well. We live in San Diego so we get sun but no winter weather and the safety enclosure has ripped in 2 spots. Not happy that it hasnt even lasted a year ☹️
Very nice product.
Im very happy with this trampoline. Its very sturdy and great for small children.
Hours of fun
Our son loved it
kids love it
This is perfect for my 2 yr old and 9 yr old. Low enough to the ground that if little one falls out it wouldn't be a bad fall. Very happy with purchase.
Great product
My kids love this! It fits perfectly in our playroom inside the house. I feel at ease knowing how sturdy the net is around the trampoline.
Great product!!
Absolutely love it!! Both of my children (2 and 5 years old) and their friends love it!!! It was a bit difficult to assemble, especially the tough springs, but great product!!!
Trampoline fun
Bigger than we expected, however, my granddaughter loves it.
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