This is a really nice frame and my son loves it. Worth the money but wouldnt pay more because the headboard and footboard are made of thinner boards not think and heavy. However, it is sturdy. I purchased for $150
We bought this as a big boy bed for my 3 year old. He loves it, he has a different color at ny moms hiuse and he sleeps great in it. He even looks forward to going to bed and taking a nap.
Great value for the money. Took about 2 hours to put together by my self. Pretty sturdy for a 4 year cant speak for an adult. The white paint was really thin on the bed. You can see the wood thru it I thought it should have been more opaque but its okay. I still like the bed and am satisfied!
I love this bed! I was able to put it together myself (Im a 115 lb girl). Only 4 steps in the instructions. Came with all the tools I needed except a screwdriver. But a PERFECT bed for my 4 year old girl. Not too tall so if she falls out, she wont get hurt. Perfect for transitioning from a toddler bed to a big kid bed.
This bed is easy to assembly. It is exactly what you see on the pictures. The wood is good quality. I love the height its just perfect. It came early than expected and that is a plus!
A good buy for the price
This is a really nice frame and my son loves it. Worth the money but wouldnt pay more because the headboard and footboard are made of thinner boards not think and heavy. However, it is sturdy. I purchased for $150
WF034134PAA Wood Platform Bed Frame /Espresso Finish
Bought bed as Mothers Day gift for my mom. She loved it! Great quality, easy to assemble.
We bought this as a big boy bed for my 3 year old. He loves it, he has a different color at ny moms hiuse and he sleeps great in it. He even looks forward to going to bed and taking a nap.
Great buy for the money and for my 4 year old.
Great value for the money. Took about 2 hours to put together by my self. Pretty sturdy for a 4 year cant speak for an adult. The white paint was really thin on the bed. You can see the wood thru it I thought it should have been more opaque but its okay. I still like the bed and am satisfied!
Easy to put together
I love this bed! I was able to put it together myself (Im a 115 lb girl). Only 4 steps in the instructions. Came with all the tools I needed except a screwdriver. But a PERFECT bed for my 4 year old girl. Not too tall so if she falls out, she wont get hurt. Perfect for transitioning from a toddler bed to a big kid bed.
Missing some screws but otherwise fine
Over all great bed for my toddler. However it was missing some of the hardware like screws type thing, luckily my Daddy had some in his workshop
Excellent quality
Well built and all real wood.
Good quality , what you see is what you get!
This bed is easy to assembly. It is exactly what you see on the pictures. The wood is good quality. I love the height its just perfect. It came early than expected and that is a plus!
I love it!!
I was surprised it came as quickly as it did. Super easy assembly . Perfect size for a small bedroom.
Very comfortable
Strong comfortable bed.. very happy.
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