This bed is very nice and sturdy. I bought this for my 2 year old but have been in it every night with her to put her down. I never hear it creak and assembly was pretty easy although I do reccomend a drill for attaching the slats to the frame. Came very well packaged but I would recommend 2 people move it around its just akward alone but doable.
Easy to assemble and is a sturdy bed. While we bought for a 4 year old, the 250 pounder can sit or lie on it and it felt very sturdy with no sway. It should stand up fine to kids or any age, or adults.
Great Bed Frame for the price. I only wish that it had covers for the bolts once you have them installed. I used a brown sharpie to color them and it is acceptable.
Perfect Twin Bed!
Love this bed! Great quality with easy to follow instructions. Couldnt be happier with this purchase.
Solid and easy to assemble
This bed is very nice and sturdy. I bought this for my 2 year old but have been in it every night with her to put her down. I never hear it creak and assembly was pretty easy although I do reccomend a drill for attaching the slats to the frame. Came very well packaged but I would recommend 2 people move it around its just akward alone but doable.
Definitely recommend
Excellent quality! Great price!
Good height for kids
It looked just like the picture, was easy to put together and well packaged.
Excellent quality bed, sturdy
Easy to assemble and is a sturdy bed. While we bought for a 4 year old, the 250 pounder can sit or lie on it and it felt very sturdy with no sway. It should stand up fine to kids or any age, or adults.
Great product for the price ...
My boys love their beds!
Nice bed
Attractive and so far durable. My teenage son likes it.
Great bed
Well-made. Beautiful. Easily put together.
Great frame for the price!
Great Bed Frame for the price. I only wish that it had covers for the bolts once you have them installed. I used a brown sharpie to color them and it is acceptable.
Great bed
Very pleased
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