Not so stable. I was very skeptical about buying this because the price seemed a bit to good to be true, however it arrived fast and it was super easy to assemble. Im not a small person so I wasnt sure it would be sturdy but it definitely is. Its a great buy!
Not at all user friendly. The table could use more structural supports to increase its rigidity. Its a little wobbly, but overall serves it purpose for the price. The two es on the other hand are very sturdy.
I am not happy. I didnt like that the order arrived broken and some parts are so hard to fit. The set looks really good aesthetic wise but assembly is an issue.
Easy to install and strong. Its good for small spaces and its definitely cute but my daughter cut herself on one of the es. So watch out for thos sharp edges.
Average product. I loved this little table so much! Until a small glass of water was spilled on it and got left overnight and the top part of the table separated. I was so sad!! Great little table for the price but keep it dry!!
Looks nice and sturdy. It really works great in our kitchen due to it being small. I just wish it had more support on the legs of the
Overall great item.
Too short
Not so stable. I was very skeptical about buying this because the price seemed a bit to good to be true, however it arrived fast and it was super easy to assemble. Im not a small person so I wasnt sure it would be sturdy but it definitely is. Its a great buy!
Great buy
Unstabke. Its not sturdy. Itll do for now. Fits in space well and looks pretty. Fair price for what it is.
Great dining table!
Great price and somewhat durable. Perfect space saver for my apartment!
Ok for price but
Not at all user friendly. The table could use more structural supports to increase its rigidity. Its a little wobbly, but overall serves it purpose for the price. The two es on the other hand are very sturdy.
Table and 2 set
I am not happy. I didnt like that the order arrived broken and some parts are so hard to fit. The set looks really good aesthetic wise but assembly is an issue.
Easy to install and strong. Its good for small spaces and its definitely cute but my daughter cut herself on one of the es. So watch out for thos sharp edges.
Its ok for what I paid for it.
Average product. I loved this little table so much! Until a small glass of water was spilled on it and got left overnight and the top part of the table separated. I was so sad!! Great little table for the price but keep it dry!!
Great for limited space
Looks nice and sturdy. It really works great in our kitchen due to it being small. I just wish it had more support on the legs of the Overall great item.
Great looking table
thanks great product. Got wet and it started to peal looks great but not worth the money
Cute table but keep it dry!!!
Dont bother! Brace Pieces on the table did not have holes drilled. Couldnt properly assemble. Not very sturdy because of that.
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