Works great. I love everything about this but the table is pretty small. Its more like desk size. Colors are just like the picture and it seems pretty sturdy so far. Its easy to assemble instruction wise but screwing so many pieces together with an alan key definitely took some determination
Good, This table works great for a smaller space or a family of two. Very easy to assemble although directions were just pictures. Absolutely love it couldnt be happier
Easy assembly. Love this table looks great and its sturdy
Cute table
Love it! Great for small kitchen
Easy set up!
Better than expected. Dont hesitate BUY!! Easy set up and perfect size
Table is small
Works great. I love everything about this but the table is pretty small. Its more like desk size. Colors are just like the picture and it seems pretty sturdy so far. Its easy to assemble instruction wise but screwing so many pieces together with an alan key definitely took some determination
Love it!!
Good, This table works great for a smaller space or a family of two. Very easy to assemble although directions were just pictures. Absolutely love it couldnt be happier
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