The couch was super easy to assemble and is very light yet sturdy. The color is black but a blue black which I personally really like. The bottom cushions are very firm with a lot of support and the top back cushions are super soft.
Easy to assemble; came in two separate packages within a day of each other. I actually received it before the estimated arrival date which was nice. The velvet is very soft and the cushions firm, which I don’t mind since I have teenage boys that will probably wear them down by flopping on them in no time. Overall, I am very pleased with the size and quality of the product.
It’s very soft, wasn’t terrible to assemble, driver dropped it off nicely, looks nice, back cushion and side cushion very soft. The actual seat cushions are sort of hard not too comfy, and seat depth is Sort of shallow
Amazing couch my family loves all the storage. And messes clean up amazing on it, kids spilled grape juice on it wiped right off without a stain.
5 Star Couch
The couch was super easy to assemble and is very light yet sturdy. The color is black but a blue black which I personally really like. The bottom cushions are very firm with a lot of support and the top back cushions are super soft.
Looks great and feels great.
Easy to follow instructions. Only 6 steps and youre done. Comfortable and super soft.
Beautiful couch!!
Great first couch. Mine arrived in a little less than a week, much earlier than expected.
Feels more luxurious than the price point
Easy to assemble; came in two separate packages within a day of each other. I actually received it before the estimated arrival date which was nice. The velvet is very soft and the cushions firm, which I don’t mind since I have teenage boys that will probably wear them down by flopping on them in no time. Overall, I am very pleased with the size and quality of the product.
First order was delayed.
Great couch for a smaller space. Comfy and live the color.
Very easy to assemble and quite comfy
Very easy to assemle and comfy. Storage is big and the bed is nice.
its a bit stiff
shipping was on time box was a bit banged up not to bad no damage to the couch or chaise pull out bed portion works well overall I am happy with this.
I hated that it came in two different boxes and days apart and everything needed to put together in first box was in the second.but very comfortable
Good buy
It’s very soft, wasn’t terrible to assemble, driver dropped it off nicely, looks nice, back cushion and side cushion very soft. The actual seat cushions are sort of hard not too comfy, and seat depth is Sort of shallow
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