This was an aming purchase. It arrived quickly, the bed is very sturdy and very nice, exactly as the picture shows. 10/10 Love the color and it was very comfortable
My daughter loves her new big girl bed! I was nervous she would horseplay and fall, but shes always so cautious getting up and down from her bed. Its cute and matches any bedroom theme! Its a good product
This piece of furniture it awesome. I have two young kids and when the youngest gets older, I can stick a bed underneath for them to claim as their own. Its not as high as a traditional bunk bed, so less risk of injury! It is ok for the use.
My toddler son and I love everything about this bed frame! The ladder is very sturdy and the side rails are a great height to prevent my son from rolling off of the bed. Better price available for same designs
My daughter has lots of toys so this bed was perfect for her room. All of the toys are stored underneath which makes the room so much cleaner and spacious! Game changer! very sturdy and stylish
The bed was easy to assemble but certain parts or pieces were either too big or too small so I had to make due with what I had. Other then that its a nice bed for your kid especially when you had led lights underneath! It is sturdy and looks beautiful
We are pleased with the bed. It was relatively easy to put together. Only difficulty was the screws that had to go into a sideways screw. It took a few tries to get them to line up. I put it together in about 2.5 hours. Its sturdy and my son loves it. I thought it would be higher giving him space to hang out underneath, but its kinda low so if hes going under there he has to sit in the floor. Overall were happy with it. Went together easily
Fantastic purchase
This was an aming purchase. It arrived quickly, the bed is very sturdy and very nice, exactly as the picture shows. 10/10 Love the color and it was very comfortable
Great value
Easy assembly, high bang for the buck It arrived on time
Loft twin bed
It was perfect, my girl loved it. I was so excited to use it
My daughter loves it!
My daughter loves her new big girl bed! I was nervous she would horseplay and fall, but shes always so cautious getting up and down from her bed. Its cute and matches any bedroom theme! Its a good product
Easy assemble, Great bed for kids
This piece of furniture it awesome. I have two young kids and when the youngest gets older, I can stick a bed underneath for them to claim as their own. Its not as high as a traditional bunk bed, so less risk of injury! It is ok for the use.
Great for your money
Its is great! My son loves it and so do we. It helped create more space in his room Everything is nice!
Great bed frame!
My toddler son and I love everything about this bed frame! The ladder is very sturdy and the side rails are a great height to prevent my son from rolling off of the bed. Better price available for same designs
My daughter has lots of toys so this bed was perfect for her room. All of the toys are stored underneath which makes the room so much cleaner and spacious! Game changer! very sturdy and stylish
Nice bed for kid
The bed was easy to assemble but certain parts or pieces were either too big or too small so I had to make due with what I had. Other then that its a nice bed for your kid especially when you had led lights underneath! It is sturdy and looks beautiful
My son loves his bed
We are pleased with the bed. It was relatively easy to put together. Only difficulty was the screws that had to go into a sideways screw. It took a few tries to get them to line up. I put it together in about 2.5 hours. Its sturdy and my son loves it. I thought it would be higher giving him space to hang out underneath, but its kinda low so if hes going under there he has to sit in the floor. Overall were happy with it. Went together easily
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