Using this for my office chair and I love that the seat is the perfect size with just enough armrest height for comfort but still slides into my desk. This was definitely a good choice.
I like that it fits in a small bedroom. Its sturdy but its a good thing I weigh 135 a larger person would be uncomfortable. Color is true, bright, and Sunny so I get a good feeling when admiring it in its space. This is a cute design,
Super easy to put together. I did it by myself in like 5 minutes. My cat loves it. I will say its a bit small. My hips barely fit in it so if youre on the thicker side it might be a tight fit. Super cute and comfortable though Dont over think it, youll love it!!
I bought these for my office for people to sit in while waiting and I get tons of compliments on them / they are cute, they are soft, and they are comfortable / but Im afraid they are not going to last very long. They seem rather flimsy and I see the legs flare when people sit and stand up from them. Love the finished product!!
This little chair is perfect for a small space. The color is as shown in the picture. It only took a few minutes to assemble and the directions were good. I would recommend this chair if you are in need of a small chair for a small space. Im pleased with my purchase.
Bought this chair for my daughter who is in college. She wanted a little chair for her dorm. This one fit the bill! Stylish, cute, not too big. She loved it! Really nice looking furniture.
I recommend first chair and it had a stain on it. I contacted the seller and after trying to clean the spot they sent me another chair. I didnt even have to ask. Love it its perfect and it looks perfect in my room. Happy with purchase
Beautiful and awesome quality. I am actually returning this one and purchasing the pink/ purple one. Was hoping camel color would be a bit darker but otherwise great chair.
When returning I was prompted that a fee of 5.95 would apply for return shipping Good product and definitely a value of a purchase.
Pretty comfortable for sitting in the chair 8 hours to work from my desk at home. Very soft, velvet/like material. Had to adjust the piece at the bottom of the legs so the chair wouldnt wobble, but havent had a problem after adjusting. There is also Velcro underneath the cushion, so it doesnt move at all when you get up. Wish the armrests were a little higher, but still an overall comfortable chair. At 54 the back of the chair hits just under my shoulder blades, which is perfect for some back support. Have only had the chair a few days, but am happy so far. Beautiful color good quality
Love it for my office chair
Using this for my office chair and I love that the seat is the perfect size with just enough armrest height for comfort but still slides into my desk. This was definitely a good choice.
Good value
I like that it fits in a small bedroom. Its sturdy but its a good thing I weigh 135 a larger person would be uncomfortable. Color is true, bright, and Sunny so I get a good feeling when admiring it in its space. This is a cute design,
My cat loves it
Super easy to put together. I did it by myself in like 5 minutes. My cat loves it. I will say its a bit small. My hips barely fit in it so if youre on the thicker side it might be a tight fit. Super cute and comfortable though Dont over think it, youll love it!!
Love it!
Love! Easy to assemble, really soft and comfortable. On the smaller side, which is what I wanted. Better than the picture!
Comfortable and cute, but afraid it wont last
I bought these for my office for people to sit in while waiting and I get tons of compliments on them / they are cute, they are soft, and they are comfortable / but Im afraid they are not going to last very long. They seem rather flimsy and I see the legs flare when people sit and stand up from them. Love the finished product!!
Great accent chair
This little chair is perfect for a small space. The color is as shown in the picture. It only took a few minutes to assemble and the directions were good. I would recommend this chair if you are in need of a small chair for a small space. Im pleased with my purchase.
Cute chair and affordable
Bought this chair for my daughter who is in college. She wanted a little chair for her dorm. This one fit the bill! Stylish, cute, not too big. She loved it! Really nice looking furniture.
Great chair great customer service
I recommend first chair and it had a stain on it. I contacted the seller and after trying to clean the spot they sent me another chair. I didnt even have to ask. Love it its perfect and it looks perfect in my room. Happy with purchase
Great quality, slight difference in color
Beautiful and awesome quality. I am actually returning this one and purchasing the pink/ purple one. Was hoping camel color would be a bit darker but otherwise great chair. When returning I was prompted that a fee of 5.95 would apply for return shipping Good product and definitely a value of a purchase.
Pretty Comfortable Desk Chair
Pretty comfortable for sitting in the chair 8 hours to work from my desk at home. Very soft, velvet/like material. Had to adjust the piece at the bottom of the legs so the chair wouldnt wobble, but havent had a problem after adjusting. There is also Velcro underneath the cushion, so it doesnt move at all when you get up. Wish the armrests were a little higher, but still an overall comfortable chair. At 54 the back of the chair hits just under my shoulder blades, which is perfect for some back support. Have only had the chair a few days, but am happy so far. Beautiful color good quality
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