Perfect for small spaces. Great. Kids love it. Its huge.
Reasonably easy to assembly. A couple of minor difficulties. Kids prefer it to the spring free tramps as the bounce is higher and easier. Pretty light and easy to move. 16ft will be tough to store as it doesnt fold for storeage. Would be good if there was a winter cover for it for more protection.
Great trampoline -- was easy enough to assemble. Probably took us about an hour but the springs were a bit tight so needed help with someone with some strength. The trampoline was perfect for my family of three and we have spent many hours on it. The downfall is that if you need replacement parts - is really hard to deal with. They dont return phone calls or emails very efficiently. We have ordered replacement legs (our fault we stored the trampoline wrong during the winter) and the parts that were sent were wrong even with sending pictures and details. They are very slow to help us fix our trampoline.
We struggled a little with the assembly and ended up having to take half of it apart to get it corrected. Other than that, the kids have loved it and have been using it all summer.
Trampoline is good now that after five weeks we have all of our parts. First shipment arrived with boxes torn open and multiple large main pieces missing. It was 4pm on a Friday and stops answering the phone at 3 (2:50) on Fridays so had to wait till Monday to get a shipment of the missing parts. Second shipment arrives, box torn open, two pieces still missing. Third shipment arrives box torn open missing one of the two replacement parts. Company claims its not their fault its the shippers even though its happened with UPS and Fedex at this point. Fourth shipment arrives for our final outstanding missing part, its a part from the wrong trampoline this time and does not work. Call the company ten minutes before closing on Friday right after the wrong part arrived, no one picks up to answer. Finally, the fifth shipment goes out after calling first thing Monday and finally that Thursday after almost 5 weeks we have a full set to be able to put this together. Trampoline works great now that we have all the pieces. Customer service at was great when we were able to get ahold of them, but their shipping and packing methods need a lot of work.
First off, I dont have kids. Ive wanted a trampoline since I was a kid and took gymnastics. I wanted the health benefits of exercise and lymph system drainage. Im not a mini-tramp type of person and for $150 it seemed boring. Saw this one on Prime day $200 off, so I figured why not?
Delivered in 2 weeks in two slightly beat up heavy boxes and Im sure UPS was not thrilled. Straight forward assembly. Everything fit together and the directions were clear. Only issue was that the last thing that went together was the enclosure poles. I realized the brass colored fitting that holds one of the poles was bent enough that the pole would not slide in. I dreaded taking everything apart after 3 hours and 80 springs! Luckily I was able to bend it back into shape with a large crowbar. Check them before you start!
I am 180 lbs and the bounce is significant! Much different than when I was a 80 lb kid! Be careful as an adult since its much easier to get injured with age. Feels sturdy, but I dont push the envelope. Again, for me its just for exercise. It is a great workout, definitely feel it. Relaxing at the same time with little impact. Cant speak to whether it improves lymph drainage yet.. Happy with it.
Great bouncer!
Best value at this price and on !
Five Stars
kid loves it
Great. Kids love it
Perfect for small spaces. Great. Kids love it. Its huge. Reasonably easy to assembly. A couple of minor difficulties. Kids prefer it to the spring free tramps as the bounce is higher and easier. Pretty light and easy to move. 16ft will be tough to store as it doesnt fold for storeage. Would be good if there was a winter cover for it for more protection.
Great trampoline for a family
Great trampoline -- was easy enough to assemble. Probably took us about an hour but the springs were a bit tight so needed help with someone with some strength. The trampoline was perfect for my family of three and we have spent many hours on it. The downfall is that if you need replacement parts - is really hard to deal with. They dont return phone calls or emails very efficiently. We have ordered replacement legs (our fault we stored the trampoline wrong during the winter) and the parts that were sent were wrong even with sending pictures and details. They are very slow to help us fix our trampoline.
It works
Its a trampoline and our kids love it. They dont care about the basketball hoop but it is fun for us adults
Great summer fun
We struggled a little with the assembly and ended up having to take half of it apart to get it corrected. Other than that, the kids have loved it and have been using it all summer.
Terrible packing and shipping.
Trampoline is good now that after five weeks we have all of our parts. First shipment arrived with boxes torn open and multiple large main pieces missing. It was 4pm on a Friday and stops answering the phone at 3 (2:50) on Fridays so had to wait till Monday to get a shipment of the missing parts. Second shipment arrives, box torn open, two pieces still missing. Third shipment arrives box torn open missing one of the two replacement parts. Company claims its not their fault its the shippers even though its happened with UPS and Fedex at this point. Fourth shipment arrives for our final outstanding missing part, its a part from the wrong trampoline this time and does not work. Call the company ten minutes before closing on Friday right after the wrong part arrived, no one picks up to answer. Finally, the fifth shipment goes out after calling first thing Monday and finally that Thursday after almost 5 weeks we have a full set to be able to put this together. Trampoline works great now that we have all the pieces. Customer service at was great when we were able to get ahold of them, but their shipping and packing methods need a lot of work.
First off, I dont have kids. Ive wanted a trampoline since I was a kid and took gymnastics. I wanted the health benefits of exercise and lymph system drainage. Im not a mini-tramp type of person and for $150 it seemed boring. Saw this one on Prime day $200 off, so I figured why not? Delivered in 2 weeks in two slightly beat up heavy boxes and Im sure UPS was not thrilled. Straight forward assembly. Everything fit together and the directions were clear. Only issue was that the last thing that went together was the enclosure poles. I realized the brass colored fitting that holds one of the poles was bent enough that the pole would not slide in. I dreaded taking everything apart after 3 hours and 80 springs! Luckily I was able to bend it back into shape with a large crowbar. Check them before you start! I am 180 lbs and the bounce is significant! Much different than when I was a 80 lb kid! Be careful as an adult since its much easier to get injured with age. Feels sturdy, but I dont push the envelope. Again, for me its just for exercise. It is a great workout, definitely feel it. Relaxing at the same time with little impact. Cant speak to whether it improves lymph drainage yet.. Happy with it.
Great size
Heavy duty legs, easy assembly, perfect size for small yard.
Awesome product, terrible instructions.
Plan on 4 hours to assemble. Instructions are unclear and poorly written BUT the product is outstanding. Super high jumps, great net, very large.
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