My almost 3 yr old Granson love this couch. he sits on it to watch his favorite shows, and like to pull it out for a nap mat when hes tired. it easy for me to fold it back up and set it aside when hes gone. he loves the bright red and blue colors, and the puppys on it. Very durable.
My granddaughter loves her couch. She loves Paw Patrol, the graphics on the couch are great. And it seems to be standing up to her bouncing on it. Seeing her enjoy lets me know this was a good purchase. Awesome!
We bought this for our 1 yr old grandson. He loves it. It is the perfect size for him. His favorite thing is to open and close it from a chair to a bed over and over. Works great for his nap when it is open to a bed. His 3 year old sister has the same chair with a different design. Her legs hang over when she lays on it., but she sits on it and still loves it. Perfect for my needs.
Son loves to play
He loves it Just as seen in the picture!!!
toddler couch.
My almost 3 yr old Granson love this couch. he sits on it to watch his favorite shows, and like to pull it out for a nap mat when hes tired. it easy for me to fold it back up and set it aside when hes gone. he loves the bright red and blue colors, and the puppys on it. Very durable.
Great product
Bought this for my one year old twin grandsons. They loved it but my 4 year old grandson enjoys it just as much Very good value.
Love it
My son loves this Assembled Quickly.
My son used the box and we made a house to up over the couch he sleeps there now whatever keeps him from crawling in my bed This works.
Grandson loves it. Good quality and sturdy. I bought 2 of them. One for visits and one for his home. Do the work.
Granddaughter loves it
My granddaughter loves her couch. She loves Paw Patrol, the graphics on the couch are great. And it seems to be standing up to her bouncing on it. Seeing her enjoy lets me know this was a good purchase. Awesome!
Comfortable chair
We bought this for our 1 yr old grandson. He loves it. It is the perfect size for him. His favorite thing is to open and close it from a chair to a bed over and over. Works great for his nap when it is open to a bed. His 3 year old sister has the same chair with a different design. Her legs hang over when she lays on it., but she sits on it and still loves it. Perfect for my needs.
Perfect for my 2 year old son!
My son just loves his couch HAPPY!!
Very cute
11 month old grandson fell asleep on it the first day it arrived Good price.
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