Sturdy looks the same as in photos great price It was pretty difficult to assemble, but once we got it together and tightened everything it is pretty sturdy. When climbing up and down the ladder I would feel the bed kind of shake, so I put L brackets against the wall and I no longer have any issues of with the sturdiness. This bed in my opinion is worth the money. I bought this for myself because I moved into a small bedroom and needed more space, this allowed me to be able to have my desk under my bed. Which gave my room a lot more space overall.
Cheap sturdy stylish!!! Its not an easy assemble but it worth the money and everything because its a super cute bed and its perfect for small spaces.
The color is not WHITE, is more like an off white:cream color keep that in mind
It wont disappoint! This loft bed was easy to assemble. Everything was labeled and individually packaged. The bed is sturdy and well made. My 7 yo loves it!!
Perfect for what I wanted This is great for opening up a teens room. Completely transformed my sons room. It was assembled in no time. Could be a bit sturdier for its size but nothing a bar/beam across the back wouldnt fix.
Great loft bed for the value. Set up went pretty smoothly. Just read through the directions first, and lay out all your pieces so you know whats what. You definitely need two people. My husband and I put it together in about 2 hours. Per other reviewers suggestions we cut 5 inches off the legs and latter. Our sons room has a regular 8 foot ceiling so Im really glad we decided to trim the legs. It has to be done before you put together the bed. The legs are pieces A, B, C D. I think anywhere from 4-6 inches is good to trim off. With it shorter its much easier for me to change his sheets without constantly hitting my head. He still has plenty of space to play underneath. We plan to use L brackets to secure it to the wall just for added stability. Not like its going to fall down or anything but if I have to climb up to comfort him (hes 4) it would be nice to have it not move as much.
Difficult to build. Should come with wall L Brackets
Sturdy looks the same as in photos great price It was pretty difficult to assemble, but once we got it together and tightened everything it is pretty sturdy. When climbing up and down the ladder I would feel the bed kind of shake, so I put L brackets against the wall and I no longer have any issues of with the sturdiness. This bed in my opinion is worth the money. I bought this for myself because I moved into a small bedroom and needed more space, this allowed me to be able to have my desk under my bed. Which gave my room a lot more space overall.
Its an off white color
Cheap sturdy stylish!!! Its not an easy assemble but it worth the money and everything because its a super cute bed and its perfect for small spaces. The color is not WHITE, is more like an off white:cream color keep that in mind
Nice loft
It is really pretty Nice bed but not extremely sturdy. Wall anchors would help.
i recommend
Better than expected best loft bed ever
She loves
Very comfortable, worth the money My daughter loves this! And assembly was fairly easy! It did take me and my husband both to assemble
Much more room.
Pleased with this purchase. Love it for my daughters room but it is a bit rickety.
Love love love this bed. Best purchase I made for my dauughters room. Highly recommend!
Just what we were looking at a great price Easy to assemble and value for money
Well made. Well worth it!
It wont disappoint! This loft bed was easy to assemble. Everything was labeled and individually packaged. The bed is sturdy and well made. My 7 yo loves it!!
Space saver
Perfect for what I wanted This is great for opening up a teens room. Completely transformed my sons room. It was assembled in no time. Could be a bit sturdier for its size but nothing a bar/beam across the back wouldnt fix.
Decent loft bed
Great loft bed for the value. Set up went pretty smoothly. Just read through the directions first, and lay out all your pieces so you know whats what. You definitely need two people. My husband and I put it together in about 2 hours. Per other reviewers suggestions we cut 5 inches off the legs and latter. Our sons room has a regular 8 foot ceiling so Im really glad we decided to trim the legs. It has to be done before you put together the bed. The legs are pieces A, B, C D. I think anywhere from 4-6 inches is good to trim off. With it shorter its much easier for me to change his sheets without constantly hitting my head. He still has plenty of space to play underneath. We plan to use L brackets to secure it to the wall just for added stability. Not like its going to fall down or anything but if I have to climb up to comfort him (hes 4) it would be nice to have it not move as much.
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