This bed frame is a lot sturdier than I imagined. Easy to assemble. Im 340lbs I could jump on it. The way its braced is very sturdy. Great for my 15 year old boys room. All fits full matress perfect
I looked at the ratings for this bed and thought it sounded great. It arrived quickly and was relatively easy to assemble. But once it was put together and the mattress was on, it made this clunk noise every time we moved. We re-adjusted everything and checked all the assembly steps, but we had it all correct. My son couldnt sleep on the bed because he would wake up at every movement because of the clunks.
I contacted the seller to ask for a refund, and was told that it wasnt a quality issue and that I would only receive a partial refund. Now Im left with either taking the bed apart, finding a box that fits it and sending it back. Or I was offered $20 off if I kept it. Neither of those work for me, but taking the bed apart will be so much work, then finding a box to fit it, then taking it to the fedex store. But $20 doesnt really help me buy a new bed. With all of the good reviews, I just assumed it would be a good bed. I was disappointed with the bed, and now Im disappointed with the return process. I just want a refund.
The fix for us to deal with the noise was putting cardboard on the bed to muffle the noise. That at least makes the bed sleepable.
Absolutely love it. I loved these beds. They look great and as a stager they are pretty light to move around. Initial assembling was tricky but once they are assembled they are awesome! They dont seem the sturdiest so make sure you check the weight limit but I feel like for the occasional guests they are perfect!
It arrived in good condition so easy to put it together I wasnt the one that assembled it, but after watching 3 guys do it and looking like the 3 Stooges becauseonly 1 wanted to look at the instructions, I would say that it seemed somewhat easy to assemble.
But I got a wonderful product! Everything was there and nothing was damaged! After reading reviews, of course I was hesitant but lets be honest, who isnt for something you cant see or touch until you actually have it.
I would buy this again in a heartbeat and would recommend for someone else to get!
Great buy
They Look perfect in my quest room Love this. Easy to assemble. Looks intimidating at first, however, super simple to put together. Love the look!!!
Great bed frame
This bed frame is a lot sturdier than I imagined. Easy to assemble. Im 340lbs I could jump on it. The way its braced is very sturdy. Great for my 15 year old boys room. All fits full matress perfect
NOT noise-free
I looked at the ratings for this bed and thought it sounded great. It arrived quickly and was relatively easy to assemble. But once it was put together and the mattress was on, it made this clunk noise every time we moved. We re-adjusted everything and checked all the assembly steps, but we had it all correct. My son couldnt sleep on the bed because he would wake up at every movement because of the clunks. I contacted the seller to ask for a refund, and was told that it wasnt a quality issue and that I would only receive a partial refund. Now Im left with either taking the bed apart, finding a box that fits it and sending it back. Or I was offered $20 off if I kept it. Neither of those work for me, but taking the bed apart will be so much work, then finding a box to fit it, then taking it to the fedex store. But $20 doesnt really help me buy a new bed. With all of the good reviews, I just assumed it would be a good bed. I was disappointed with the bed, and now Im disappointed with the return process. I just want a refund. The fix for us to deal with the noise was putting cardboard on the bed to muffle the noise. That at least makes the bed sleepable.
Perfect economical bed frame
Bought for my sons room. Easy to put together. Were a month in and its sturdy, not creaky like other bed frames
Me encanta
Fácil de armar, quedo super bien.
Great for staging or guest rooms
Absolutely love it. I loved these beds. They look great and as a stager they are pretty light to move around. Initial assembling was tricky but once they are assembled they are awesome! They dont seem the sturdiest so make sure you check the weight limit but I feel like for the occasional guests they are perfect!
Easy to put together!!! Amazing!!!
Daughter liked the birthday gift This bed is perfect. It was easy to put together and is really well built. My son loves it and it looks Great!!!
Bed without a box spring
It arrived in good condition so easy to put it together I wasnt the one that assembled it, but after watching 3 guys do it and looking like the 3 Stooges becauseonly 1 wanted to look at the instructions, I would say that it seemed somewhat easy to assemble. But I got a wonderful product! Everything was there and nothing was damaged! After reading reviews, of course I was hesitant but lets be honest, who isnt for something you cant see or touch until you actually have it. I would buy this again in a heartbeat and would recommend for someone else to get!
Great bed. My daughter put it together before I even get home. Shes 12. Was sturdy an everything.
Beautiful and easy to assemble I will take a photo when she makes the bed. So never - great bed for the money
It was easy installing!!
Great quality and design for the value It was great!!
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