Good sturdy bed for its price. I feel comfortable for two parents to lay on it and read to the 3yr old without causing any damage. I like its look, wasnt disappointed.
Overall we are happy! I bought for my son he is 2 we both have slept in it together very durable and the head board is very nice , easy to put together for the most party just make sure you do not tighten the bolts till completely done , would purchase again
Nice product. Takes time to put together. Seller responded very quickly to a shipping question. I bought a twin for each of my kids (2). It was easy assembly and my kids both like them a lot. Seems sturdy, my kids are 8 and 13 so they arent in the jumping on the bed stage anymore. Overall very happy with my purchase, especially for the price! I would recommend to others.
Sturdy, easy to assemble. So cool! A little complicating at first; however easy to assemble following directions. Very sturdy and looks gray in the room, I feel a great choice for teenager!!!
nice!!! Wont disappoint you at all. My 14 year old daughter put the bed together. She said the instructions that came with it were useless. She was able to figure it out though. She does like the bed. Removed one star for bad instructions.
You wont regret this purchase A super quality bed frame. At first, I was nervous purchasing this one because it is a non-prime item, but I do chose it since the price is good for my pocket. The seller shipped it really fast. It is durable and fancy with a wooden head board. I do like the style of this bed frame because it is very easy to assemble or take it apart. Im scared of bulky bed frame when it comes to moving. My boyfriend took about 30 minutes to make it, so It is not hard to do it by yourself. I couldnt ask for more in this inexpensive bed frame. RECOMMEND!!!
The bed came with everything needed to assemble it and nothing was missing. There were no missing or misaligned holes. This bed is easy to assemble and is very sturdy. I give it a rating of100%
Good Looks and Sturdy.
Good sturdy bed for its price. I feel comfortable for two parents to lay on it and read to the 3yr old without causing any damage. I like its look, wasnt disappointed.
Great for the money
Overall we are happy! I bought for my son he is 2 we both have slept in it together very durable and the head board is very nice , easy to put together for the most party just make sure you do not tighten the bolts till completely done , would purchase again
Sturdy and great value
Excellent, Stylish and safe Study and easy to assemble. Ordered for my so s room and I was surprised with the quality. He lives the look too.
Great style, quality and price.
Nice product. Takes time to put together. Seller responded very quickly to a shipping question. I bought a twin for each of my kids (2). It was easy assembly and my kids both like them a lot. Seems sturdy, my kids are 8 and 13 so they arent in the jumping on the bed stage anymore. Overall very happy with my purchase, especially for the price! I would recommend to others.
Very nice at cost!!!
Sturdy, easy to assemble. So cool! A little complicating at first; however easy to assemble following directions. Very sturdy and looks gray in the room, I feel a great choice for teenager!!!
Even a 14 Yr Old can put it together!
nice!!! Wont disappoint you at all. My 14 year old daughter put the bed together. She said the instructions that came with it were useless. She was able to figure it out though. She does like the bed. Removed one star for bad instructions.
Well made
Very easy to assemble and very sturdy Love it!!!
You wont regret this purchase A super quality bed frame. At first, I was nervous purchasing this one because it is a non-prime item, but I do chose it since the price is good for my pocket. The seller shipped it really fast. It is durable and fancy with a wooden head board. I do like the style of this bed frame because it is very easy to assemble or take it apart. Im scared of bulky bed frame when it comes to moving. My boyfriend took about 30 minutes to make it, so It is not hard to do it by yourself. I couldnt ask for more in this inexpensive bed frame. RECOMMEND!!!
Love it but very low
I didnt realize how low this bed was so I got bed risers, but I must say Im very happy with my purchase.
Quality Bed frame with head and foot board.
The bed came with everything needed to assemble it and nothing was missing. There were no missing or misaligned holes. This bed is easy to assemble and is very sturdy. I give it a rating of100%
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