My husband put this almost exclusively together by himself!! He did such a great job and my son LOVES IT!! He was in a toddler bed and got to upgrade to the big boy bed. He loves it! He chose to use the bottom drawers for shoes and he is able to open them and see exactly what he has. Its very sturdy. He can also open and close the bottom bed on his own and loves feeling like a big kid. He is 5 almost 6.
I bought this for my children to use at my parents house. It was a ton of pieces and my dad cursed it as he put it together, but the finished product is great, cute and sturdy.
Easy to assemble. Took me maybe 30/45 minutes to put together. Easy to follow instructions and clearly labeled materials. Packed securely as well. It seems very sturdy and like it will hold up for years to come. Its not as thick of a metal as a similar bed I had when I was a kid, but it seems like it will last. The color is more of a slightly off white.
Update. Regarding holes lining up as they should My experience was that if putting together many other items in the past in that you get the screws started on all sides and tighten gradually over all and things usually fall into place versus tightening one spot entirely before moving on to the next. May not have been the case for others but possibly a helpful tip.
This bed came so quickly it caught me off guard. It is more than I had hoped for. We put it together today, and it was fun! No missing parts, well engineered. It seemed like an ornate one would have been cool, but this looks like a real antique. Kind of like your Grandma would have had. Now to the mattress and cant wait to put an old quilt on it, with a rag rug on our beautiful original wood floors.
I got as far as step three putting this futon together when I ran into trouble. My hardware did not match the holes. I called customer service and they were quite helpful. Turns out I had the wrong version of the instructions. Customer service was able to help me right away over the phone. There was still one hole that was offset on a different piece of the daybed but I dont think it will affect the rest of the daybed.
We bought this for my toddler sons room because we wanted something we could lay on with him, something that hell be able to fit in for a long time, and something I wouldnt have to worry about him getting his head/ arms/ legs stuck in. I put this together by myself and it took about 2 hours. I couldnt get the back side brackets to line up with the side pieces so I emailed customer service and they said to loosen up the bolts to wiggle the bracket to where it all lined up. That worked and everything fit together great. It is very sturdy and looks great. Definitely recommend this item.
My main dislike is that the description says the color is turquoise, which is the color we were in search of, and the main reason for buying this bed specifically. Yet the color is a bright blue.
I am so happy with this bed! Its so pretty! It was simple to assemble (great directions!) and once it was put together, there was no wobbliness, etc. I feel like it was a great value!
Awesome Bed!!!
My husband put this almost exclusively together by himself!! He did such a great job and my son LOVES IT!! He was in a toddler bed and got to upgrade to the big boy bed. He loves it! He chose to use the bottom drawers for shoes and he is able to open them and see exactly what he has. Its very sturdy. He can also open and close the bottom bed on his own and loves feeling like a big kid. He is 5 almost 6.
Lots of pieces, but great finished product
I bought this for my children to use at my parents house. It was a ton of pieces and my dad cursed it as he put it together, but the finished product is great, cute and sturdy.
Sturdy, easy to assemble.
Easy to assemble. Took me maybe 30/45 minutes to put together. Easy to follow instructions and clearly labeled materials. Packed securely as well. It seems very sturdy and like it will hold up for years to come. Its not as thick of a metal as a similar bed I had when I was a kid, but it seems like it will last. The color is more of a slightly off white. Update. Regarding holes lining up as they should My experience was that if putting together many other items in the past in that you get the screws started on all sides and tighten gradually over all and things usually fall into place versus tightening one spot entirely before moving on to the next. May not have been the case for others but possibly a helpful tip.
great value for the price
easy to assemble if follow directions step by step / looks great in our guest room/office
Sturdy, not terribly expensive
This is a beautiful bed!
This bed came so quickly it caught me off guard. It is more than I had hoped for. We put it together today, and it was fun! No missing parts, well engineered. It seemed like an ornate one would have been cool, but this looks like a real antique. Kind of like your Grandma would have had. Now to the mattress and cant wait to put an old quilt on it, with a rag rug on our beautiful original wood floors.
Instructions did not match
I got as far as step three putting this futon together when I ran into trouble. My hardware did not match the holes. I called customer service and they were quite helpful. Turns out I had the wrong version of the instructions. Customer service was able to help me right away over the phone. There was still one hole that was offset on a different piece of the daybed but I dont think it will affect the rest of the daybed.
Sturdy, easy to put together and looks great
We bought this for my toddler sons room because we wanted something we could lay on with him, something that hell be able to fit in for a long time, and something I wouldnt have to worry about him getting his head/ arms/ legs stuck in. I put this together by myself and it took about 2 hours. I couldnt get the back side brackets to line up with the side pieces so I emailed customer service and they said to loosen up the bolts to wiggle the bracket to where it all lined up. That worked and everything fit together great. It is very sturdy and looks great. Definitely recommend this item.
My main dislike is that the description says the color is turquoise, which is the color we were in search of, and the main reason for buying this bed specifically. Yet the color is a bright blue.
Well worth the money great product!
I am so happy with this bed! Its so pretty! It was simple to assemble (great directions!) and once it was put together, there was no wobbliness, etc. I feel like it was a great value!
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