You need at least 4 people to build this thing took us 2 1/2 hrs to build. You have to really pay attention to the instruction and look at the pictures to make sure the holes are facing the correct way if not you have to Disassemble the whole thing and start over. But after building it its very sturdy and secure it doesnt Squeak whe you move on it. MY son loves it thats all that matters Product is exactly as descriproduct
Great for the price. I put it together by myself, the directions say 4 people but as long as you read step by step the directions its easy to assemble. I did have my kids help hold up the slat pieces when screwing in. If you mess up one piece though you have to take so much apart to fix so READ DIRECTIONS! Super sturdy 8/10 I am very happy with it
I always read reviews before I buy. Just want to say I didnt experience anything negative from this purchase. All the pieces were there. The packaging was sturdy. It was very easy to assemble if you read instructions thoroughly. DOES NOT require 4/8 ppl. 2 people are enough. Overall very satisfied. Good value and cute color.
So, lemme just start off by stating that this products instructions say you need 4/5 people to assemble it. HA. Im a single mom of 4 humans that were absolutely useless in the assembly of this product. It wasnt exactly a walk in the park, but 4 extra sets of hands helping would have been like when you drive through a construction zone and you see one or two guys working and the rest are just standing around them for moral support. I could have used maybe ONE extra set of hands and some moral support I did walk away from it two or three times during the process. And several swear words were muttered under my breath.
But the bed is sturdy and my boys are pleased with their new sleeping arrangement.
Happy assembling! I would definitely buy again.
I dont know why people had issues putting this together. My husband did it almost entirely by himself. Great quality, our grandchildren are excited to stay with Grammy and Poppy so beautiful and wonderful
Love it!
Good bunk bed! Very sturdy. We are super happy with this purchase. the product is beautiful and honestly exceeded my expectations
Sturdy Secure but a PAIN TO BUILD !!
You need at least 4 people to build this thing took us 2 1/2 hrs to build. You have to really pay attention to the instruction and look at the pictures to make sure the holes are facing the correct way if not you have to Disassemble the whole thing and start over. But after building it its very sturdy and secure it doesnt Squeak whe you move on it. MY son loves it thats all that matters Product is exactly as descriproduct
Great for price! Follow directions!!
Great for the price. I put it together by myself, the directions say 4 people but as long as you read step by step the directions its easy to assemble. I did have my kids help hold up the slat pieces when screwing in. If you mess up one piece though you have to take so much apart to fix so READ DIRECTIONS! Super sturdy 8/10 I am very happy with it
My teen son was able to put it together in a couple of hours.
It was just what I needed. Well built product
Bunk bed for big boys
Sturdy product Awesome piece of product
Very satisfied! Great buy!
I always read reviews before I buy. Just want to say I didnt experience anything negative from this purchase. All the pieces were there. The packaging was sturdy. It was very easy to assemble if you read instructions thoroughly. DOES NOT require 4/8 ppl. 2 people are enough. Overall very satisfied. Good value and cute color.
its worth the money
I recommend is bad Sturdier than I expected
Sturdy bed
So, lemme just start off by stating that this products instructions say you need 4/5 people to assemble it. HA. Im a single mom of 4 humans that were absolutely useless in the assembly of this product. It wasnt exactly a walk in the park, but 4 extra sets of hands helping would have been like when you drive through a construction zone and you see one or two guys working and the rest are just standing around them for moral support. I could have used maybe ONE extra set of hands and some moral support I did walk away from it two or three times during the process. And several swear words were muttered under my breath. But the bed is sturdy and my boys are pleased with their new sleeping arrangement. Happy assembling! I would definitely buy again.
Great value bunk bed
Easy to assemble, great value bed itself is very sturdy, but the ladder broke wondering if I can get a replacement Its a nice design though.
Great bed, great price
I dont know why people had issues putting this together. My husband did it almost entirely by himself. Great quality, our grandchildren are excited to stay with Grammy and Poppy so beautiful and wonderful
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