Got this for my toddler. Its a great quality for the price. Its sturdy and does make a little bit of noise but its metal so thats expected. Like many other reviews said to do/we took our time building because it is very easy to turn pieces the wrong way/ which we ended up doing despite being careful. It took 2 of us 3 hours to build. The only downfall was that most pictures showed the ladder on the left which is what we needed but our ladder was on the right. You could probably switch sides but youd have to drill holes on the other side to make it secure. Also like that the ladder is off the floor and the steps are flat so its easier and safer on the foot. It did come in 2 boxes and other reviews said theres came on different days but ours came together in 1 shipment. Its so pretty
The only issue I had with assembly is that some of the holes didnt line up so I couldnt secure the top bunk rail fully. Other than that the beds are sturdy and look nice in my sons room. But other than that its nice
Easy to assemble, directions was kinda lagging but not needed. It is sturdy as well. Price not to bad couldve been cheaper but not by much. Well done, great delivery
This bunk bed is so terrible to put together. the instructions SUCK! It looks nice when done but a lot of the holes didnt line up with each other and we had to Improvise TRUST me everything was in the right place, the holes just DID NOT LINE UP!!! Also, look at the pictures for more clear directions because reading it will confuse anyone . I would not recommend buying this one just for the difficulty of assembly. so you get what you pay for.
It took me 4 hours to put it together ALONE!! Wasnt too bad although I did put a piece on backwards, it was an easy swap. The second box came about 5 days after the first one so be patient. Very pleased with this purchase
Very happy with this bed. Chosen for economical price, flat ladder rungs, and extra support/higher weight limit. Mostly quiet, there was some nose from the bottom bunk support hitting the cross bar, we added no slip between the two to quiet.
Seller shipped quickly, the item arrived about a week before estimated and communication was fast. Would recommend perfectly fine with it
Good deal
my 5 yes old loves this bunk bed. Well made. Good price.
Great value for price/would recommend.
Got this for my toddler. Its a great quality for the price. Its sturdy and does make a little bit of noise but its metal so thats expected. Like many other reviews said to do/we took our time building because it is very easy to turn pieces the wrong way/ which we ended up doing despite being careful. It took 2 of us 3 hours to build. The only downfall was that most pictures showed the ladder on the left which is what we needed but our ladder was on the right. You could probably switch sides but youd have to drill holes on the other side to make it secure. Also like that the ladder is off the floor and the steps are flat so its easier and safer on the foot. It did come in 2 boxes and other reviews said theres came on different days but ours came together in 1 shipment. Its so pretty
Excellent value. My kids only fell out once so far. Just need a net to catch them Cute and good quality
Holes dont line up
The only issue I had with assembly is that some of the holes didnt line up so I couldnt secure the top bunk rail fully. Other than that the beds are sturdy and look nice in my sons room. But other than that its nice
Im happy and so are the kids.
Easy to assemble, directions was kinda lagging but not needed. It is sturdy as well. Price not to bad couldve been cheaper but not by much. Well done, great delivery
Good bunk bed
It was a little hard putting together but we got it done. My kids are very happy with it. study and arrived as pictured!
Horrible instructions
This bunk bed is so terrible to put together. the instructions SUCK! It looks nice when done but a lot of the holes didnt line up with each other and we had to Improvise TRUST me everything was in the right place, the holes just DID NOT LINE UP!!! Also, look at the pictures for more clear directions because reading it will confuse anyone . I would not recommend buying this one just for the difficulty of assembly. so you get what you pay for.
V3ry good
Everything is good Great Buy
Get what you pay for.
It took me 4 hours to put it together ALONE!! Wasnt too bad although I did put a piece on backwards, it was an easy swap. The second box came about 5 days after the first one so be patient. Very pleased with this purchase
Great buy!
Very happy with this bed. Chosen for economical price, flat ladder rungs, and extra support/higher weight limit. Mostly quiet, there was some nose from the bottom bunk support hitting the cross bar, we added no slip between the two to quiet. Seller shipped quickly, the item arrived about a week before estimated and communication was fast. Would recommend perfectly fine with it
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