Sturdy but since I weigh close to 299 lbs decided to order extra supports. Not easy to put together. Shipping is additional 200. Didnt expect that One of my best buys.
I like the look and seems to be good quality, but the surprise came on the last page / after all the assembly instructions when it says you need a Bunkie board. Another expense!!! This is really easy to assemble and pretty sturdy.
It is not the most sturdy bed but it will work wonderfully for my grand kids. I am resending a star review because it had a little cosmetic issue. This was from the shipping, and seller made it right. So added a extra star. Sturdy.
Very nice daybed for the price. It is solid wood and is a great addition to our office room. It is easy to assemble, we used a handyman who assembled it for us in an hour. Worth it!!!
This daybed is truly beautiful. I bought the full size and was a bit surprised at how large it seemed, but my daughter was thrilled with it when she came for the weekend. A few issues with putting it together. O e of the packets of screws was missing. I contact the seller and was told it would take 5 to 10 business days to send me the screws, or I could go buy them myself and I would get a 20 credit. Im still waiting for that credit! Two of the supporting slats had the holes screwed too close to the end so that the slat slips out of the screw and does not support the bed! This is a serious problem. Im going to have to go and have the slats remade for me at a Home Depot or Lowes, or perhaps have a piece of 1/4 inch plywood cut to size as a bunky board. Either way, its more money out of my pocket again! If I hadnt gone through the aggravation and expense of hiring someone to out this bed together for me, Id probably have sent it back no matter how pretty it is! I gave only 3 stars for assembly because of the missing/damaged parts. Its not a difficult job. I gave 3 for sturdiness because of the broken slats. With all slats functioning, it would have been five stars. Ok.
Was fairly easy to assemble once you figure out the instructions that were difficult to understand
Bottom trundle cannot use more than a 6 mattress
Top one 8 or 10 will work Space saver.
This bed is perfect for my daughter. I put it together by myself within a couple hours. Weve only had it for a week but so far its holding up just fine. Its so cute!!! Thank you so much.
I have a memory mattress from a box that I tried putting in this bed. There are almost 4 inches of space in the back and an inch on either end. This bed is much more suited for a full support mattress with it does NOT tell you in the description what I needed.
Sturdy, great tables and storage underneath.
Sturdy but since I weigh close to 299 lbs decided to order extra supports. Not easy to put together. Shipping is additional 200. Didnt expect that One of my best buys.
Pleasantly surprised.
Great mail/order bed. Quick ship.
Needs a bunkie board
I like the look and seems to be good quality, but the surprise came on the last page / after all the assembly instructions when it says you need a Bunkie board. Another expense!!! This is really easy to assemble and pretty sturdy.
that is would sleep three children
It is not the most sturdy bed but it will work wonderfully for my grand kids. I am resending a star review because it had a little cosmetic issue. This was from the shipping, and seller made it right. So added a extra star. Sturdy.
Very nice daybed for the price. It is solid wood and is a great addition to our office room.
Very nice daybed for the price. It is solid wood and is a great addition to our office room. It is easy to assemble, we used a handyman who assembled it for us in an hour. Worth it!!!
Nice bed
This bed was fairly simple, although somewhat time consuming, to put together. Looks nice in my sons room. Simple and easy to put together.
Beautiful Daybed Once Its Finally Set Up
This daybed is truly beautiful. I bought the full size and was a bit surprised at how large it seemed, but my daughter was thrilled with it when she came for the weekend. A few issues with putting it together. O e of the packets of screws was missing. I contact the seller and was told it would take 5 to 10 business days to send me the screws, or I could go buy them myself and I would get a 20 credit. Im still waiting for that credit! Two of the supporting slats had the holes screwed too close to the end so that the slat slips out of the screw and does not support the bed! This is a serious problem. Im going to have to go and have the slats remade for me at a Home Depot or Lowes, or perhaps have a piece of 1/4 inch plywood cut to size as a bunky board. Either way, its more money out of my pocket again! If I hadnt gone through the aggravation and expense of hiring someone to out this bed together for me, Id probably have sent it back no matter how pretty it is! I gave only 3 stars for assembly because of the missing/damaged parts. Its not a difficult job. I gave 3 for sturdiness because of the broken slats. With all slats functioning, it would have been five stars. Ok.
Easy to assemble but time consuming
Was fairly easy to assemble once you figure out the instructions that were difficult to understand Bottom trundle cannot use more than a 6 mattress Top one 8 or 10 will work Space saver.
This bed is perfect for my daughter. I put it together by myself within a couple hours. Weve only had it for a week but so far its holding up just fine. Its so cute!!! Thank you so much.
Make sure you have the correct type of mattress
I have a memory mattress from a box that I tried putting in this bed. There are almost 4 inches of space in the back and an inch on either end. This bed is much more suited for a full support mattress with it does NOT tell you in the description what I needed.
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