Easy to assemble. Great color and very sturdy
The ladder is great with wide steps. Easy to remove or move to another side. The slats under each bed were little further apart then I would like so we added a piece of painted plywood to each bed. Now we have a play space on the top bunk too!
Love this ! Ordered on a Wednesday and it came that Saturday. Only had it for two weeks so far but its the perfect size for my 1 and 2 year old. I was worried it would be too big but its just right. I plan on keeping them on this bed until theyre 4 and 5. The instructions were easy but putting this together was very time consuming even with two people.
Very sturdy bunk bed. Have had compliments on the gray color. The lower height is great for our 2 and 4 year old grandkids. They love the option of sliding, versus just climbing, out of the top bunk! Two persons assembling the bunk was essentially not a problem. Just need some patience and some common sense.
Safe and Sturdy
Perfect for my grandchildren...they love it!
Perfect addition to our bedroom
Easy to assemble. Great color and very sturdy The ladder is great with wide steps. Easy to remove or move to another side. The slats under each bed were little further apart then I would like so we added a piece of painted plywood to each bed. Now we have a play space on the top bunk too!
Not too bad
It took me a couple of days to completely assemble the bunk bed by myself but the kids were happy.
visual instructions were for the most part easy to follow, quality is good and bunks beds are sturdy. what else can I say ? 4 out of 5 stars.
Pretty good bed for little ones.
The boards on the top bunk bend a scary amount if I, a 250 lb man, attempt to get on top.
Love it!
Perfect for our 2.5 yr old! She loves her big girl bed! My dad and I assembled it easily one afternoon.
Perfect bed for toddlers!
Love this ! Ordered on a Wednesday and it came that Saturday. Only had it for two weeks so far but its the perfect size for my 1 and 2 year old. I was worried it would be too big but its just right. I plan on keeping them on this bed until theyre 4 and 5. The instructions were easy but putting this together was very time consuming even with two people.
Great low bunk with slide
Very sturdy bunk bed. Have had compliments on the gray color. The lower height is great for our 2 and 4 year old grandkids. They love the option of sliding, versus just climbing, out of the top bunk! Two persons assembling the bunk was essentially not a problem. Just need some patience and some common sense.
Satisfied with the product, easy to assemble perfect for our 5 year old and 2 year old who share a room.
Bunk bed
It took us a couple of hours to put together. Strong construction. Nice piece of furniture.
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