Great bed for a toddler with smaller room. Its a huge hit because of the slide! Pretty sturdy hoping it stays that way. Putting together the rails is a little difficult but with two people it went up fairly quickly. Would recommend.
Super easy to assemble (took a little time, but steps were easy). Its really sturdy, with hardly any movement (none for my 6yr old, and only slight movement if I climb up too!). One or two spots dont have the type of joining I would wish for (ie. Only wood dowels instead of screws), but overall VERY happy with it.
Sturdy. I feel my kid is safe.
Directions suck, but common sense comes in handy and the right tools.
Slide was a little damaged on arrival but not enough to be concerned.
No pre drilled holes in the bed slats, so I was afraid of splitting the wood when i did it, but it turned out okay.
Overall, Id recommend for the price and have to lend a hand for help.
Fantastic kids bed! My five year old was able to work with me and assemble the entire bed within two hours. We had a lot of fun
And it immediately became a source of joy and play and imagination. I love the play opportunities this bed brings to a kids room.
Took about 2 hours to assemble.
All pieces received, in good condition.
For our space we put the ladder and slide on the far left, with the rail all the way to the right. Its perfect!
We bought this for our daughter as her first big girl bed. Its perfect and shes in love. The slide and stairs are great and its good quality. The assembly was fairly simple and only took my husband and I less than 2hrs to assemble. I wish all the screws were labeled, but we figured it out.
I was skeptical because of the other reviews, but that one positive review was all I needed to bite the bullet! Glad we did...
Money well spent
My 4 year old now has a gym that doubles as a bed.
Good buy for 3 year old
Great bed for a toddler with smaller room. Its a huge hit because of the slide! Pretty sturdy hoping it stays that way. Putting together the rails is a little difficult but with two people it went up fairly quickly. Would recommend.
My Child LOVES it!
Super easy to assemble (took a little time, but steps were easy). Its really sturdy, with hardly any movement (none for my 6yr old, and only slight movement if I climb up too!). One or two spots dont have the type of joining I would wish for (ie. Only wood dowels instead of screws), but overall VERY happy with it.
Good for the price. Safe so far.
Sturdy. I feel my kid is safe. Directions suck, but common sense comes in handy and the right tools. Slide was a little damaged on arrival but not enough to be concerned. No pre drilled holes in the bed slats, so I was afraid of splitting the wood when i did it, but it turned out okay. Overall, Id recommend for the price and have to lend a hand for help.
good buy
this bed is adorable....bought it for my 2 littles to share and they fit perfect.
Good for a kid!
Fairly straight forward install.
Fantastic kids bed
Fantastic kids bed! My five year old was able to work with me and assemble the entire bed within two hours. We had a lot of fun And it immediately became a source of joy and play and imagination. I love the play opportunities this bed brings to a kids room.
Wobbly and detached stairs.
Its cute but it is very wobbly and the stairs arent attached to the actual bed. It took 2 days to put together.
Versatile, sturdy, great product for the money!
Took about 2 hours to assemble. All pieces received, in good condition. For our space we put the ladder and slide on the far left, with the rail all the way to the right. Its perfect!
New Big Girl Bed!
We bought this for our daughter as her first big girl bed. Its perfect and shes in love. The slide and stairs are great and its good quality. The assembly was fairly simple and only took my husband and I less than 2hrs to assemble. I wish all the screws were labeled, but we figured it out. I was skeptical because of the other reviews, but that one positive review was all I needed to bite the bullet! Glad we did...
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