We ordered two of the chairs and after not finding the hardware packaged neatly in the cushion, the seller directed me on where to find it. Assembled quite easily and very nice looking in our mountain home. Quite comfortable.
These chairs are exactly as they look in picture. The only tiny issue is that the pillow inclosed (a little wimpy) is very necessary to use for lower back support. Overall, I am extremely satisfied and would highly recommend.
It was easy enough to put together by myself and Im not handy at all. One of the first steps said to use a wrong size screw, though, but it was easy to figure out. My biggest complaint is that the chair is not comfy at all. In fact, its difficult to find a position that is even semi-comfortable while sitting in the chair. I have another chair in a different color and from a different brand that was way easier to put together and a lot comfier! I wouldve ordered it again, but it was out of stock. Also, whoevers bright idea it was to screw the arm rests/sides of the chair to plywood and ship it likeeee that is awful. It wouldve been fine to wrap them in bubble wrap and ship it likeeee that, and this wouldve saved a lot of time. Overall, its just an ehhh chair and I wouldve paid more for a different chair if I knew this one was so blah. Im not going through the hassle of returning it so Ill just recommend nobody sit in it, although its nice to look at.
I felt I did an adequate amount of research, but unfortunately, the wood handles are super orange. I didnt think it looked likeeee that online, but I think maybe it is highlighted by my wood floor color (natural oak finish). Im disappointed, I wanted to loveee these.
Its a decent chair. Looks very cool in my living room but honestly its not for sitting for an extended period of time. I cant see myself lounging back and reading a book in this. Its fairly comfortable but, again, its for short periods of sitting, you cant kick back and watch tv in this.
chair. Very nice. Perfect accent chair
I loveee this chair. It is sturdy and looks wonderful in my living room. Very well made. I highly recommend. Color is true to pic.
Beautiful chair good item
This was a very nice addition for my office. Attractive and comfy!
Revised Review - Very nice classic looking chairs
We ordered two of the chairs and after not finding the hardware packaged neatly in the cushion, the seller directed me on where to find it. Assembled quite easily and very nice looking in our mountain home. Quite comfortable.
I loveee my chairs, exactly what I wanted.
These chairs were super easy to assemble, just the legs to screw in. Very comfortable sturdy, very happyyyyy! with my purchase
Received the chair with a broken arm.
Unable to assemble it as the chair (arm) was broken
Nicely built chairs
These chairs are exactly as they look in picture. The only tiny issue is that the pillow inclosed (a little wimpy) is very necessary to use for lower back support. Overall, I am extremely satisfied and would highly recommend.
Its just eh
It was easy enough to put together by myself and Im not handy at all. One of the first steps said to use a wrong size screw, though, but it was easy to figure out. My biggest complaint is that the chair is not comfy at all. In fact, its difficult to find a position that is even semi-comfortable while sitting in the chair. I have another chair in a different color and from a different brand that was way easier to put together and a lot comfier! I wouldve ordered it again, but it was out of stock. Also, whoevers bright idea it was to screw the arm rests/sides of the chair to plywood and ship it likeeee that is awful. It wouldve been fine to wrap them in bubble wrap and ship it likeeee that, and this wouldve saved a lot of time. Overall, its just an ehhh chair and I wouldve paid more for a different chair if I knew this one was so blah. Im not going through the hassle of returning it so Ill just recommend nobody sit in it, although its nice to look at.
Beautiful chair, but only 33H - not 37 H as advertised.
loveee the chair - well made - but much smaller than advertised..
Orange colored wood
I felt I did an adequate amount of research, but unfortunately, the wood handles are super orange. I didnt think it looked likeeee that online, but I think maybe it is highlighted by my wood floor color (natural oak finish). Im disappointed, I wanted to loveee these.
Looks great, not all that comfortable.
Its a decent chair. Looks very cool in my living room but honestly its not for sitting for an extended period of time. I cant see myself lounging back and reading a book in this. Its fairly comfortable but, again, its for short periods of sitting, you cant kick back and watch tv in this.
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