Very sturdy and nicely finished. Nicely constructed. Definitely a great value. Regular mattress is too big though hiding a good portion of the beauty of the bed. Overall am very satisfied with the quality.
Good bed for the price. Arrived on time and well packed. Instructions for assembly were detailed - but a bit confusing. Larger and better illustrations would have helped. Definitely helps to have 2 people working on the assembly. I suppose that after doing one or 2 of these, I could do the job alone is less than 30 min. But, the first time through, it took my wife and I about 2 hours. We could have purchased a similar bed from Sleepys and had them deliver and assemble it for about $100. Id give it a 5 if the assembly was simpler and the instructions and illustrations clearer. If you have the time and patience to put it together, its a nice product. If not, go to Sleepys or some other bed store and pay them to do it.
This a sturdy, well made day bed. For the price, it is an excellent value. You will probably need a helper to assemble it but the instructions are quite clear and everything is provided.
It looks beautiful and seems solid, however it was anything but easy to put together. My father and myself are both experienced in putting together a lot of furniture (as a girl I am way handier than I should be )and it took us ages! The slats for the sides and back of the bed would not stay put! Hoping for a sturdy bed!
Easy to assemble (did it myself while husband was at work, with three kids running around the house). Took me about an hour to get it all put together and moved upstairs where I wanted it. It has a solid feel, and has a nice look to it. Definitely not a cheapy look.
Items arrived in excellent time. I finally was able to assemble the bed it went very well, very easy and I love the look. Its a bit bigger than I thought it would be but it works in the room Im using it in.
Very sturdy and nicely finished
Very sturdy and nicely finished. Nicely constructed. Definitely a great value. Regular mattress is too big though hiding a good portion of the beauty of the bed. Overall am very satisfied with the quality.
Nice bed, but fussy assembly
Good bed for the price. Arrived on time and well packed. Instructions for assembly were detailed - but a bit confusing. Larger and better illustrations would have helped. Definitely helps to have 2 people working on the assembly. I suppose that after doing one or 2 of these, I could do the job alone is less than 30 min. But, the first time through, it took my wife and I about 2 hours. We could have purchased a similar bed from Sleepys and had them deliver and assemble it for about $100. Id give it a 5 if the assembly was simpler and the instructions and illustrations clearer. If you have the time and patience to put it together, its a nice product. If not, go to Sleepys or some other bed store and pay them to do it.
Excellent quality for the money!
My son put this bed together in less than 30 minutes. All the parts were there. It was well packed. The bed looks great and is sturdy.
Nice Piece of Furniture
This a sturdy, well made day bed. For the price, it is an excellent value. You will probably need a helper to assemble it but the instructions are quite clear and everything is provided.
Youll love it!
Goes great in my sons bedroom. Very sturdy and great quality!
Great quality.
Have a friend help assemble not a one person job. Great quality.
It looks beautiful and seems solid
It looks beautiful and seems solid, however it was anything but easy to put together. My father and myself are both experienced in putting together a lot of furniture (as a girl I am way handier than I should be )and it took us ages! The slats for the sides and back of the bed would not stay put! Hoping for a sturdy bed!
Nice Bed, Good Shipping.
Easy to put together (My 8 year old son helped) and looks beautiful in my guest bedroom. The pricing was unbeatable! The shipping was great also.
Perfect for our office/den
Easy to assemble (did it myself while husband was at work, with three kids running around the house). Took me about an hour to get it all put together and moved upstairs where I wanted it. It has a solid feel, and has a nice look to it. Definitely not a cheapy look.
Madison Day Bed
Items arrived in excellent time. I finally was able to assemble the bed it went very well, very easy and I love the look. Its a bit bigger than I thought it would be but it works in the room Im using it in.
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