The table arrived well packaged and with no damage. It is very easy to assemble. The top comes pre/assmbled and all you need to do is screw the legs into the top, put the bottom shelf over the legs and screw the feet up into the legs through the bottom shelf. The feet are adjustable, so you can compensate for uneven floors. Its very cute. I bought it to hold my husbands record player and some of his vinyl and its the perfect size.
This is a lot nicer than I expected. We didnt buy the expert assembly and my husband found it still easy to assemble. It looks exactly like the photo and is very sturdy. Ive already gotten a lot of people asking where I got it!
the front cabinet door had an area that was raising up from the rest of the door. there was an area on the top that I had to color in because there was a white dot. the legs were hard to align with the cabinet. the cabinet looks okay, but it is not functional because the drawers and spaces are too small to be functional.
Great table / sturdy and well made. Color in pictures is pretty darn accurate. Very easy to assemble / took under 10 minutes. Overall great table for the cost!
Nice table at a good price
The table arrived well packaged and with no damage. It is very easy to assemble. The top comes pre/assmbled and all you need to do is screw the legs into the top, put the bottom shelf over the legs and screw the feet up into the legs through the bottom shelf. The feet are adjustable, so you can compensate for uneven floors. Its very cute. I bought it to hold my husbands record player and some of his vinyl and its the perfect size.
Check product pieces before shipping
Ore drilled holes were filled with glue and unusable.more work to send back than worth it
Just as pictured!
This is a lot nicer than I expected. We didnt buy the expert assembly and my husband found it still easy to assemble. It looks exactly like the photo and is very sturdy. Ive already gotten a lot of people asking where I got it!
there were issues with the quality of the piece
the front cabinet door had an area that was raising up from the rest of the door. there was an area on the top that I had to color in because there was a white dot. the legs were hard to align with the cabinet. the cabinet looks okay, but it is not functional because the drawers and spaces are too small to be functional.
I love this. Using it in my tiny house
Love, love, love
I love this piece. Its beautiful. Easy to put together. You just have to put on the bottom shelf and legs. High quality.
Love love love. Easy to assemble and a great little buffet! Its narrow enough that it doesnt make the room feel small but still adds some style.
Console tablr
Great little addition to our hearth area!
Great Table!
Great table / sturdy and well made. Color in pictures is pretty darn accurate. Very easy to assemble / took under 10 minutes. Overall great table for the cost!
Great piece for the price
Nice durable furniture
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