Item was sturdy but unfortunately not easy to put together. A lot of the holes were only surface deep and required a lot of work to get the screws in. Couldve been set up better. Overall quality of product is good.
I bought this because the look, price and reviews. It is worth it. It is not as strong as the one you can get on a furniture store, but it is similar and beautiful.
I have a toddler at home, so it already passed the test on the doors and the chimney safety.
It is not simple to assemble. You need patience and read the directions carefully. Even though I did it by my self, the result was astonishing.
Definitely, an excellent product for the price.
This is a great option for not a lot of money. The doors are slightly misaligned with the holes on the one we received but its quite slight. The color is a nice neutral and its just really eye appealing. The hardware and hinges make the look! Would recommend.
I like the finish. For it not being real wood, it looks nice. The only drawback is the hinges for the doors are lined up evenly and look a bit off, even though they have pre/drilled holes.
This is a solid piece of furniture. I had no problems putting this together by myself. I would not hesitate to buy another style of furniture from this company.
Set up wasnt too bad actually, took only 30 mins maybe and it was up and running. Nice quality and fire place looks nice and heater helps to keep the living room a bit warmer. Dont expect this to replace a real fireplace as far as heating my but really nice and worth the money. Very cozy
Theres a couple parts of assembly that dont match the pictures in the instructions and there was a chip in the finish on one of the shelves but sturdy and looks nice after together.
Great entertainment center for the money
Its absolutely beautiful and for the price. Definitely worth it. It can be assembled with one but, ideal with two people.
Sturdy items but needs better drilled holes
Item was sturdy but unfortunately not easy to put together. A lot of the holes were only surface deep and required a lot of work to get the screws in. Couldve been set up better. Overall quality of product is good.
You need patience for assembly
I bought this because the look, price and reviews. It is worth it. It is not as strong as the one you can get on a furniture store, but it is similar and beautiful. I have a toddler at home, so it already passed the test on the doors and the chimney safety. It is not simple to assemble. You need patience and read the directions carefully. Even though I did it by my self, the result was astonishing. Definitely, an excellent product for the price.
Very attractive stand!
This is a great option for not a lot of money. The doors are slightly misaligned with the holes on the one we received but its quite slight. The color is a nice neutral and its just really eye appealing. The hardware and hinges make the look! Would recommend.
Attractive looking piece
I like the finish. For it not being real wood, it looks nice. The only drawback is the hinges for the doors are lined up evenly and look a bit off, even though they have pre/drilled holes.
Looks great, its solid, good construction
This is a solid piece of furniture. I had no problems putting this together by myself. I would not hesitate to buy another style of furniture from this company.
I absolutely love the way it looks in my living room. Enough storage space for my dvds and some decor on top. Easy to put together
Actually really good
Set up wasnt too bad actually, took only 30 mins maybe and it was up and running. Nice quality and fire place looks nice and heater helps to keep the living room a bit warmer. Dont expect this to replace a real fireplace as far as heating my but really nice and worth the money. Very cozy
No problem once its together
Theres a couple parts of assembly that dont match the pictures in the instructions and there was a chip in the finish on one of the shelves but sturdy and looks nice after together.
Awesome cabinet, I was looking for a small bar cabinet for a reduce space. and it was perfect
Awesome cabinet, I was looking for a small bar cabinet for a reduce space. and it was perfectcheers
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