These chairs are a little on the small side but so far seem very sturdy. The cushioning is VERY firm, but not uncomfortable, and the seat itself is on the narrow side. Overall, these chairs seem pretty great for the price.
Very sturdy, solid wood chairs. These were very easy to put together too. We ordered the matching table couple months earlier, and the wood colors blend perfectly. Oh yah comfy too.
Small but sturdy, great for the price
These chairs are a little on the small side but so far seem very sturdy. The cushioning is VERY firm, but not uncomfortable, and the seat itself is on the narrow side. Overall, these chairs seem pretty great for the price.
Very sturdy, solid wood chairs
Very sturdy, solid wood chairs. These were very easy to put together too. We ordered the matching table couple months earlier, and the wood colors blend perfectly. Oh yah comfy too.
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