Very sturdy bed and easy to assemble. Make sure you read through the directions and pay attention to the the diagrams so you have all the holes in the right directions. I had the slats upside down and the holes didn't line up. The slats are held side by side with strapping, so when you stretch it and your holes don't match, make sure you are using the side that has the wider screw holes. I put it together over 2 days but it would not have taken long if I had not taken my sweet time. Make sure you're familiar with how cam locks and bolts work before you start putting it together. I was very impressed with how the wood/hardware was packed and how the hardware was color coded to the wood. It looks so much better. Great product!
The bed was easy enough to put together, I (mom) assembled it with a few young helpers. My 3 year old loves her new bed, and Im happy with the sturdiness and quality. No scratches or dents when it arrived, and very clean.
While assembling the bed, I noticed that the wooden planks (that go on to support the mattress) are not the correct length to be screwed into the proper places. BUT I made it work and it is still sturdy enough and safe for my child.
I looked at a lot of beds on for my 3 year old who was transitioning from a crib. I chose this one because she has a thinner box spring and mattress and this headboard was at a good height and does not leave a huge gap above the mattress.
She is now 5 and weve been happy with the bed. She even jumps up and down on it and it has not broken. Looking at beds for our second daughter who is 3 but now Im looking for beds that have a lower footboard.
Overall this bed is everything I wanted for my daughters(3yo) big girl bed! Its pretty and very sturdy. Its also low enough that if she rolls out of it, shes close enough to the floor.
When my husband was putting it together there was a spot or two in the wood that did split, as others have mentioned. In my opinion they are just tiny cosmetic boo boos. Its not like the bed is falling apart. He actually said that it wasnt the manufacturers fault but his own because of the tool he used when assembling.
Transitioned my 2 year old to this bed. She now has enough room To roll around without being crunched in. Sturdy enough when its book time that we lay together and it hasnt broken. Im 140lbs. Its cute, perfect size her room is kind of small.
Great Price and Great Value
Easy to assemble. Looks great in my five year olds room. Weve had it for a little over a month now and had no issues!!
Very impressive bed for the price!
Very sturdy bed and easy to assemble. Make sure you read through the directions and pay attention to the the diagrams so you have all the holes in the right directions. I had the slats upside down and the holes didn't line up. The slats are held side by side with strapping, so when you stretch it and your holes don't match, make sure you are using the side that has the wider screw holes. I put it together over 2 days but it would not have taken long if I had not taken my sweet time. Make sure you're familiar with how cam locks and bolts work before you start putting it together. I was very impressed with how the wood/hardware was packed and how the hardware was color coded to the wood. It looks so much better. Great product!
Great quality for great price
The bed was easy enough to put together, I (mom) assembled it with a few young helpers. My 3 year old loves her new bed, and Im happy with the sturdiness and quality. No scratches or dents when it arrived, and very clean.
BUT I made it work and it is still sturdy enough and safe for my child
While assembling the bed, I noticed that the wooden planks (that go on to support the mattress) are not the correct length to be screwed into the proper places. BUT I made it work and it is still sturdy enough and safe for my child.
Going on 5 years
I looked at a lot of beds on for my 3 year old who was transitioning from a crib. I chose this one because she has a thinner box spring and mattress and this headboard was at a good height and does not leave a huge gap above the mattress. She is now 5 and weve been happy with the bed. She even jumps up and down on it and it has not broken. Looking at beds for our second daughter who is 3 but now Im looking for beds that have a lower footboard.
Nice bed
I bought one of this bed 3 years ago and now i got the second one for my little one. Its simple and nice
Great for a first big kid bed!
Overall this bed is everything I wanted for my daughters(3yo) big girl bed! Its pretty and very sturdy. Its also low enough that if she rolls out of it, shes close enough to the floor. When my husband was putting it together there was a spot or two in the wood that did split, as others have mentioned. In my opinion they are just tiny cosmetic boo boos. Its not like the bed is falling apart. He actually said that it wasnt the manufacturers fault but his own because of the tool he used when assembling.
Great bed for the price
I love it I think its absolutely adorable and perfect for my little girl, this is an awesome little bed I'll be buying one for my son next
Sturdy, love! Recommend!
Transitioned my 2 year old to this bed. She now has enough room To roll around without being crunched in. Sturdy enough when its book time that we lay together and it hasnt broken. Im 140lbs. Its cute, perfect size her room is kind of small.
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