once you get it put together. The assembly on this one was not for you Novice assemblers. BUT if you can follow directions to the letter, have about 3 hours to complete it, and can come up with some creative problem solving it's a great, sturdy bed that seems like it'll last a long time.
My son loves this loft bed. It takes two people to build it but goes together relatively easily. It only took a little over an hour for my husband and I to build it. My son loves the cubby and drawer, and he loves hanging out playing underneath it. We got him some curtains so it's like a clubhouse for him.
Great price for the quality of the bed. The only reason I gave it four stars instead of five is because the bed squeaks when my child is on it. Which lets me know when he is getting out of the bed but it's also a little annoying when he is just sitting on it and playing.
This is a great solid bed for a toddler. It was torture to put together. Some of the parts were very difficult to put together. It was very well organized with everything labeled and the wood was in excellent condition with no scrapes, scratches or dents. The directions were slightly difficult only because even though it had drawn pictures for all the parts, it didn't show them in relation to size for each picture. Luckily, since everything was labeled it helped. I knocked off a star because the screws in the top wood drawer stripped right away. I think it would hold up better for kids if they were plastic.
Great end result but do yourself a favor and read ahead of the directions save yourself some hassle by assembling a few of the pieces in a slightly different order.
Great size
It's the perfect height for my kids I don't worry about them falling and getting hurt! It's sturdy and there's room for stuff under it.
Great bed...
once you get it put together. The assembly on this one was not for you Novice assemblers. BUT if you can follow directions to the letter, have about 3 hours to complete it, and can come up with some creative problem solving it's a great, sturdy bed that seems like it'll last a long time.
Five Stars
The kids love the bed! It serves as playtime and bedtime. We couldn't be more pleased.
It takes two people to build it but goes together relatively easily. It only took a little over an hour ...
My son loves this loft bed. It takes two people to build it but goes together relatively easily. It only took a little over an hour for my husband and I to build it. My son loves the cubby and drawer, and he loves hanging out playing underneath it. We got him some curtains so it's like a clubhouse for him.
Five Stars
My son loves it, it just fits into his small room.
Great price for the quality of the bed
Great price for the quality of the bed. The only reason I gave it four stars instead of five is because the bed squeaks when my child is on it. Which lets me know when he is getting out of the bed but it's also a little annoying when he is just sitting on it and playing.
Great finished product, not fun assembly
This is a great solid bed for a toddler. It was torture to put together. Some of the parts were very difficult to put together. It was very well organized with everything labeled and the wood was in excellent condition with no scrapes, scratches or dents. The directions were slightly difficult only because even though it had drawn pictures for all the parts, it didn't show them in relation to size for each picture. Luckily, since everything was labeled it helped. I knocked off a star because the screws in the top wood drawer stripped right away. I think it would hold up better for kids if they were plastic.
Great end result but do yourself a favor and read ...
Great end result but do yourself a favor and read ahead of the directions save yourself some hassle by assembling a few of the pieces in a slightly different order.
Fantastic Bed!!
This is a great bed, My 6 year old son loves it. It is very sturdy, not squeaky at all and it was pretty easy to put together, would highly recommend.
Nice bed
Took 2 people 3 hours to put together - directions were perfect a couple tricky areas. Sturdy and my kid loves the bed.
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