Definitely safe and sturdy but attaching the springs were a chore. My 3 year old grandson was honestly all that fit comfortably in there and he enjoyed it for 10 mins but not really enough room for the 7 or the 10 year old also even though they are all small build so he didn’t want to use it without his siblings. Single child at young age then awesome but more then one I wouldn’t recommend it and will try to find a big one for my grandkids and donate this to a family in need.
I have a 2 yr old and this was a Christmas present. Trampoline is easy to assemble and seems pretty sturdy. The basketball goal portion isn’t the best. The main issue is it didn’t ship with the pad that covers the springs. Makes it pretty dangerous bc he could easily fall between them or get his fingers caught so I only let him jump when I’m watching closely. I’ve reached out but haven’t gotten any help from besides directing me to the production company but haven’t gotten a response from them so my trampoline is just incomplete and not safe as a result. Bummer bc my son really likes it.
We have this in our living room which is a lot more entertaining than the TV. The included ball pit balls just add to the entertainment. The basketball hoop leaves much to be desired. The hoop is not on securely, and the strings are prone to damage. The basketball itself seems like a well made ball. Fits into a kid’s hands easily with good grip. Includes a pump for the basketball.
We like the trampoline is small enough for the living room but big enough for our kids to use at the same time. I wish we had watched the assembly instruction video (included among manufacturer photos) before assembling to make things go faster. The printed instructions aren’t very clear, so we did our best guess in some parts. The video is more comprehensive.
Smaller then I thought
Definitely safe and sturdy but attaching the springs were a chore. My 3 year old grandson was honestly all that fit comfortably in there and he enjoyed it for 10 mins but not really enough room for the 7 or the 10 year old also even though they are all small build so he didn’t want to use it without his siblings. Single child at young age then awesome but more then one I wouldn’t recommend it and will try to find a big one for my grandkids and donate this to a family in need.
Good buy
This is a good and sturdy trampoline the only thing is that it is very difficult to set up and the instructions are not helpful at all.
No brainier
The kids absolutely love it. It has held up pretty good. Needs to be tightened every now and then.
Didn’t ship complete
I have a 2 yr old and this was a Christmas present. Trampoline is easy to assemble and seems pretty sturdy. The basketball goal portion isn’t the best. The main issue is it didn’t ship with the pad that covers the springs. Makes it pretty dangerous bc he could easily fall between them or get his fingers caught so I only let him jump when I’m watching closely. I’ve reached out but haven’t gotten any help from besides directing me to the production company but haven’t gotten a response from them so my trampoline is just incomplete and not safe as a result. Bummer bc my son really likes it.
Needed a piece be remplaced after to put all the trampolin together. The fabricant sent a new one very fast. It looks good and durable
Cute and unique
Kids love this tramp and it fits inside the house
tears and bends too easily. If kids are going to be jumping in ...
tears and bends too easily. If kids are going to be jumping in it, you need to be more durable.
Watch video for assembly!
We have this in our living room which is a lot more entertaining than the TV. The included ball pit balls just add to the entertainment. The basketball hoop leaves much to be desired. The hoop is not on securely, and the strings are prone to damage. The basketball itself seems like a well made ball. Fits into a kid’s hands easily with good grip. Includes a pump for the basketball. We like the trampoline is small enough for the living room but big enough for our kids to use at the same time. I wish we had watched the assembly instruction video (included among manufacturer photos) before assembling to make things go faster. The printed instructions aren’t very clear, so we did our best guess in some parts. The video is more comprehensive.
Nice size kids love it
Liked how easy it was to put together and its a nice size for smaller kids. The enclosure is a peace of mind!
Great product. Super easy to put together-30 minutes tops
Great product. Super easy to put together-30 minutes tops!
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