This was purchased to replace our sons toddler bed. Build quality is surprisingly good and the bed was easy enough to assemble. We were missing some hardware but the customer service team was more than diligent in ensuring we had what we needed and expedited the missing items to us. I was actually blown away by the level of attention that was given to our issue and the bed was set up and most importantly, my 4 year old loves it!!! Would absolutely recommend
We got this for our Grandsons 3rd Birthday. He absolutely loves it. His parents wanted something sturdy enough that they could lay down with him if necessary. This bed has a 400 lb. Weight capacity. The other beds that had slides were not as sturdy. Plus the slide can go on either the right or the left of the bed.
We love this bed! All the parts fit in perfectly, its very sturdy, and low enough for me to feel safe while my 3 and 5 yr old use it
Assembly took a few hours, BUT it was well worth it.
The product is great, easy to assemble, and hold good. I assembled it myself the manual is quite easy to understand, but would recommend two people to assemble it, would make the process faster and easier.
Overall my daughter loves it. She has her bed on top and her play area underneath.
Not specific to child names
Very good bed. Even if your kids arent named and .
Recommend purchase
Perfect for a small room (10×10) younger children (ages 4 7). Its sturdy, looks nice, and was easy to assemble.
Low ceiling affordable bunk bed
It took me about 2 hours to put it together . Be careful of not tightening screws in too much, the wood will crack. Kids love it .
Money well spent!
This bed is perfect for my 3 and 6 year old they love it and I love how I can easily change the sheets and check up on them at night!
Excellent product support
This was purchased to replace our sons toddler bed. Build quality is surprisingly good and the bed was easy enough to assemble. We were missing some hardware but the customer service team was more than diligent in ensuring we had what we needed and expedited the missing items to us. I was actually blown away by the level of attention that was given to our issue and the bed was set up and most importantly, my 4 year old loves it!!! Would absolutely recommend
Assembly sucks like everything else but very sturdy
I love it. Just sucked putting together if it is your first time. Definitely good idea to have an extra set of hands
Nice and sturdy
We got this for our Grandsons 3rd Birthday. He absolutely loves it. His parents wanted something sturdy enough that they could lay down with him if necessary. This bed has a 400 lb. Weight capacity. The other beds that had slides were not as sturdy. Plus the slide can go on either the right or the left of the bed.
So study! Love it!
We love this bed! All the parts fit in perfectly, its very sturdy, and low enough for me to feel safe while my 3 and 5 yr old use it Assembly took a few hours, BUT it was well worth it.
Good product and holds well.
The product is great, easy to assemble, and hold good. I assembled it myself the manual is quite easy to understand, but would recommend two people to assemble it, would make the process faster and easier. Overall my daughter loves it. She has her bed on top and her play area underneath.
Beautiful but count your hardware
The bed is beautiful in person its a perfect size for smaller rooms a lot of the hardware was missing that I had to purchase at home depot
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