Beautiful and sturdy bed but took us almost 7 hours to assemble. Directions were double printed in some steps, but not a big deal. My son loveeeees it!
This goes great in my toddlers room. She loveeeees climbing on it, and it has held up well over the past 7-8 months that shes been using it. My one concern is that it does wiggle quite a bit when bigger kids try to get on the top bunk. This is great for littler kiddos, but might not be sturdy enough for older elementary or middle school children.
My main concern with this is the slats that hold up the mattress arent the greatest for kids over 100lbs, the bed only comes with 7 slats for the top and bottom each and bow relatively easy, so if you have kids upwards of 100lbs or over Id recommend going to a local hardware store and picking up a couple more for extra support, other than that its a very well rounded bunk bed, easy to put together although it took me about an hour and a half to put together with the tools it came with it was pretty quick and easy!
The package arrived good and the quality of the materials meet the expectation. Assembly took almost 3hrs. The slats are not sturdy enough for the adults to sleep in, but enough for the children (few more number of slats would have been good or more sturdier slats).
My husband and I were super impressed with the quality of this brand for the price. It came with wooden dolls and spacers for the planks, which had my husband in awe. Definitely more than satisfied.
Nice looking but some of the pieces were damaged. A part of my daughters desk piece had a chunk out of it and now you can see the screw. Overall its pretty decent. Little disappointed That we paid that much and it had several pieces damaged. My daughter is seven and likes it and is excited to use the desk
Some of the bolts were very difficult to screw in. They have to screw into very specific pre drilled holes. If its out of place, it will crack the wood. The support beams dont line up with the blocks, so the nails drill into nothing. I had to drill them at an angle to get them into the wood anchors. I dont understand why they didnt make the wood anchors the entire width of the frame beam.
Great bed but time consuming
Beautiful and sturdy bed but took us almost 7 hours to assemble. Directions were double printed in some steps, but not a big deal. My son loveeeees it!
Great for kids, wish it was a bit more sturdy
This goes great in my toddlers room. She loveeeees climbing on it, and it has held up well over the past 7-8 months that shes been using it. My one concern is that it does wiggle quite a bit when bigger kids try to get on the top bunk. This is great for littler kiddos, but might not be sturdy enough for older elementary or middle school children.
Thanks for nothjng
Received with the box damaged and one of the woods broken
Bed slats
My main concern with this is the slats that hold up the mattress arent the greatest for kids over 100lbs, the bed only comes with 7 slats for the top and bottom each and bow relatively easy, so if you have kids upwards of 100lbs or over Id recommend going to a local hardware store and picking up a couple more for extra support, other than that its a very well rounded bunk bed, easy to put together although it took me about an hour and a half to put together with the tools it came with it was pretty quick and easy!
Read the instruction carefully before assembly. Otherwise good quality for the price.
The package arrived good and the quality of the materials meet the expectation. Assembly took almost 3hrs. The slats are not sturdy enough for the adults to sleep in, but enough for the children (few more number of slats would have been good or more sturdier slats).
My husband and I were super impressed with the quality of this brand for the price. It came with wooden dolls and spacers for the planks, which had my husband in awe. Definitely more than satisfied.
as pictured
Easy to assemble
Little expensive but overall pretty good!
Nice looking but some of the pieces were damaged. A part of my daughters desk piece had a chunk out of it and now you can see the screw. Overall its pretty decent. Little disappointed That we paid that much and it had several pieces damaged. My daughter is seven and likes it and is excited to use the desk
Not the greatest option
Some of the bolts were very difficult to screw in. They have to screw into very specific pre drilled holes. If its out of place, it will crack the wood. The support beams dont line up with the blocks, so the nails drill into nothing. I had to drill them at an angle to get them into the wood anchors. I dont understand why they didnt make the wood anchors the entire width of the frame beam.
loveeeee the bed
I loveeeee the bed but all the bolts are really cheap the heads striped out an there wasnt one straight long bolt in the bag
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