The wood are broken in assembly you cant secure it tied because its weak, it makes a lot of noise if I have choice I would have returned it the quality its bad for a twin bed for young kids
We ordered this bed for one of our kids. As far as assemble-it-yourself-beds, it was actually pretty straightforward as the instructions were clear and all the pieces were in the box. Naturally, it went quicker because we used a power screwdriver and not the little hex-key included. Having three people to help with the final assembly stage is highly recommended. The final bed with desk looks great and is stable. Not unexpected but important to keep in mind is the the ladder stick out about one foot away from the bed.
The bunkbed was quite easy to assemble. I wish I would had bought it last year instead of the metal one Id purchased. I was able to put it together myself, aside from help for lifting the top bed and placing it, in about 5 hours, with interruptions by kids, misplacing screws, and not paying attention and mixing up parts. My advice is to place the separate screws in small ziplock bags labeled correctly as it only comes with a tiny piece of paper to label each type of screw. If everything is lined up right and the right screw is used, you can almost use just your hands for a vast amount of the assembly. The only downside is that the bed is slightly longer than the twin mattresses I have for it.
My kids loveeeee this bed! Only thing I would change is to have a few more wooden slacks for more mattress support but overall its super sturdy and great quality. Wasnt too hard for my husband to put together either.
I purchased this bed after trying out a full metal loft bed, which was a shaky/noisy disaster. This one is quite sturdy. I made sure not to tighten the bolts until after the entire thing was assembled, and then went around the entire bed a few times to tighten with the hand allen wrench. I did use an impact driver on the lowest setting for everything except the final tightening, as to avoid stripping out the wood screws where used.
Unlike some other reviewers I got the instructions in the box, and had zero damaged pieces or misaligned holes.
There are a couple of reviews that mention the bed not accommodating a Twin mattress -- I measured 76-1/2 of space, which leaves a little bit of extra room on top of a standard 75 mattress. I dont see how a Twin XL would fit.
Its a poor quality
The wood are broken in assembly you cant secure it tied because its weak, it makes a lot of noise if I have choice I would have returned it the quality its bad for a twin bed for young kids
A quality bet thats easy to assemble
We ordered this bed for one of our kids. As far as assemble-it-yourself-beds, it was actually pretty straightforward as the instructions were clear and all the pieces were in the box. Naturally, it went quicker because we used a power screwdriver and not the little hex-key included. Having three people to help with the final assembly stage is highly recommended. The final bed with desk looks great and is stable. Not unexpected but important to keep in mind is the the ladder stick out about one foot away from the bed.
Great quality and value
Fantastic quality bed! Easy to follow instructions for assembly. Great buy for us!
Very Sturdy, easy to assemble.
The bunkbed was quite easy to assemble. I wish I would had bought it last year instead of the metal one Id purchased. I was able to put it together myself, aside from help for lifting the top bed and placing it, in about 5 hours, with interruptions by kids, misplacing screws, and not paying attention and mixing up parts. My advice is to place the separate screws in small ziplock bags labeled correctly as it only comes with a tiny piece of paper to label each type of screw. If everything is lined up right and the right screw is used, you can almost use just your hands for a vast amount of the assembly. The only downside is that the bed is slightly longer than the twin mattresses I have for it.
Amazing bunk bed
Its amazing strong bed
Great bunk bed
loveeeee this bunk bed set. I put together myself and Im not very handy at all, but the instructions were clear. Very sturdy.
AmIng looking and sized bed frames
My only reservation is that when more weight is applied. The wood frame may need to be replaced at some point with something sturdier
My kids loveeeee this bed! Only thing I would change is to have a few more wooden slacks for more mattress support but overall its super sturdy and great quality. Wasnt too hard for my husband to put together either.
Very well made
This bed really impressed me with its ease to assemble and its high quality very sturdy and my daughter loveeeees it!
Stable looks good
I purchased this bed after trying out a full metal loft bed, which was a shaky/noisy disaster. This one is quite sturdy. I made sure not to tighten the bolts until after the entire thing was assembled, and then went around the entire bed a few times to tighten with the hand allen wrench. I did use an impact driver on the lowest setting for everything except the final tightening, as to avoid stripping out the wood screws where used. Unlike some other reviewers I got the instructions in the box, and had zero damaged pieces or misaligned holes. There are a couple of reviews that mention the bed not accommodating a Twin mattress -- I measured 76-1/2 of space, which leaves a little bit of extra room on top of a standard 75 mattress. I dont see how a Twin XL would fit.
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