Im not handy at all. I put it together by myself in 1.5 hours. Tricky part was the back portion to balance and drill but I got it! Really sturdy, nice looking wood bed frame.
This is a nice piece of furniture, its just too bad that much of the hardware was missing. If I cant find the needed, missing hardware I will be forced to return it.
Like the look, but needed it to be sturdy and it is. I sleep on it nightly and weigh 215lbs. without any noise or movement. The area underneath,15 height, provides great storage.
The bed looks nice and seems sturdy now that its done, but was a bear to assemble. Nearly every single piece of the bed arrived un-assembled - down to each individual slat. It took 2 people about 2 hours of frustrated grumbling to assemble, and we had to abandon the directions to do it a more logical way mid-way through after the third time one section of slats all fell out. Not well-thought out assembly at all.
Perfect fit for the home
Beautiful, clear assembly instructions, wonderful addition to the home
Take your time and it will come out beautiful Cantcomplain for the price is great.
Love it look beautiful very happy, it took my husband about an hour and 1/2he took his time and it looks great.
Really nice white wood daybed!
Im not handy at all. I put it together by myself in 1.5 hours. Tricky part was the back portion to balance and drill but I got it! Really sturdy, nice looking wood bed frame.
Missing Hardware
This is a nice piece of furniture, its just too bad that much of the hardware was missing. If I cant find the needed, missing hardware I will be forced to return it.
Great bed/great price/be patient
Great bed. Pain in the butt to assemble. Needs 2 people. Tedious.
Met all my expectations.
Like the look, but needed it to be sturdy and it is. I sleep on it nightly and weigh 215lbs. without any noise or movement. The area underneath,15 height, provides great storage.
Bed needs to be completely put together
Didnt like having to put the bed completely together! Bed was s great though
The size and quality are excellent
Bought 2 of these, using them in our guest room and we love them. Theyre perfect in every way.
Really tough to assemble
The bed looks nice and seems sturdy now that its done, but was a bear to assemble. Nearly every single piece of the bed arrived un-assembled - down to each individual slat. It took 2 people about 2 hours of frustrated grumbling to assemble, and we had to abandon the directions to do it a more logical way mid-way through after the third time one section of slats all fell out. Not well-thought out assembly at all.
Great value.
Sturdy and attractive. Was tedious but not difficult to put together solo. My teen loves it. I recommend it.
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