I love it! It was easy to assemble (I did it fine with just one person) and its been so fun. Its a little squeaky but I think I just need to use a little WD40 and it will be fine. Its sturdy and holds my weight (170) with no problem. This has been my favorite pandemic purchase so far!
My daughter is 10 and outgrew her child size trampoline. She loves getting energy out on this one. Its very sturdy. Assembly was not so easy but its fine now
The only step that should be in the how/to videos that was missing was how to align the handle to get the screw holes lined up. Otherwise it was a piece of cake! Wife loves it.
My husband and I are addicted to our mini/trampoline. Having feet and knee issues, I am so please with how this trampoline gives me a great, whole/body workout. I can already tell that my core is getting stronger and this is by just using the trampolineno extra core work. Even after an eleven hour day at work, my husband makes time to jump because it is so beneficial and just plain fun! We did have a minor issue with one of the bands but once we contacted the company, they quickly got back to us with a solution. Literally, over night the problem was resolved. Great product and fantastic customer service.
This is a really great workout and easy on my old joints. The handle offers stability but hampers the ability to easily fold and store the item. My house is small and Im not loving stepping around it. The video makes it look like magic to fold it up
Our son uses this mini/tramp for sensory input, so it gets a lot of use daily. Hes a young teen but on the low end of the weight spectrum for his age.
Weve had to replace parts a couple of times on this mini/tramp (mat, spring cover) in less than one year. HOWEVER, the customer service has pleasantly surprised me. has honored their product warranty with replacement parts, sent quickly, at no charge.
The mat itself has not been an issue, but some of the straps of fabric that wrap around the triangle rings (where the springs hook to the mat) have worn through because the fabric slips into one corner of the triangle ring and causes extra weardown.
The rubber feet have worn down, but we replaced them with aftermarket feet that are gray (helps keep from marking up the floor).
Although we have had to replace parts, the frame itself has been sturdy, and the customer service re: getting replacement parts has been great.
My daughter recommended that I buy this. I love it. It was quite easy to assemble. Its very sturdy. My grandson and I take turns bouncing when he comes to visit. It really gets the heart rate up there without hurting my knees. Im happy!
Best pandemic purchase!
I love it! It was easy to assemble (I did it fine with just one person) and its been so fun. Its a little squeaky but I think I just need to use a little WD40 and it will be fine. Its sturdy and holds my weight (170) with no problem. This has been my favorite pandemic purchase so far!
Very sturdy
My daughter is 10 and outgrew her child size trampoline. She loves getting energy out on this one. Its very sturdy. Assembly was not so easy but its fine now
Great piece of exercise equipment!
Never had a trampoline before, but I love this one. Fun and sturdy. Great value.
Handle alignment
The only step that should be in the how/to videos that was missing was how to align the handle to get the screw holes lined up. Otherwise it was a piece of cake! Wife loves it.
Great exercise
So easy to assemble.
A Healthy Addiction
My husband and I are addicted to our mini/trampoline. Having feet and knee issues, I am so please with how this trampoline gives me a great, whole/body workout. I can already tell that my core is getting stronger and this is by just using the trampolineno extra core work. Even after an eleven hour day at work, my husband makes time to jump because it is so beneficial and just plain fun! We did have a minor issue with one of the bands but once we contacted the company, they quickly got back to us with a solution. Literally, over night the problem was resolved. Great product and fantastic customer service.
Great workout. Folding and storage isnt possible with handlebar
This is a really great workout and easy on my old joints. The handle offers stability but hampers the ability to easily fold and store the item. My house is small and Im not loving stepping around it. The video makes it look like magic to fold it up
Really great customer service
Our son uses this mini/tramp for sensory input, so it gets a lot of use daily. Hes a young teen but on the low end of the weight spectrum for his age. Weve had to replace parts a couple of times on this mini/tramp (mat, spring cover) in less than one year. HOWEVER, the customer service has pleasantly surprised me. has honored their product warranty with replacement parts, sent quickly, at no charge. The mat itself has not been an issue, but some of the straps of fabric that wrap around the triangle rings (where the springs hook to the mat) have worn through because the fabric slips into one corner of the triangle ring and causes extra weardown. The rubber feet have worn down, but we replaced them with aftermarket feet that are gray (helps keep from marking up the floor). Although we have had to replace parts, the frame itself has been sturdy, and the customer service re: getting replacement parts has been great.
Exactly as described.
Using it regularly
Wanted to add a little bounce to my life!
My daughter recommended that I buy this. I love it. It was quite easy to assemble. Its very sturdy. My grandson and I take turns bouncing when he comes to visit. It really gets the heart rate up there without hurting my knees. Im happy!
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