This short bunk bed is perfect for my 7 and 2 year old. Standard twin size mattress fits just right. I am very pleased with the quality of the materials. I would recommend to anyone looking for a short bunk bed.
Easy to assemble. A bit shorter than we thought but perfect for our little one to sleep on the bottom. The ladder hinge broke kind of quickly, BUT the company quickly sent me replacement hardware no questions asked. Outstanding customer service.
Great value and very sturdy. Also the color is amazing and it looks beautiful. It was pretty challenging to put together and I had to undo mistakes three times, as the instructions aren’t super easy to understand. However I am very happy with the final product and the size is perfect, nice and low so it fits well in a low-ceiling room. The lower bunk being on the floor is perfect, as my son can roll out and it’s not a concern he will hurt himself. And the top bunk openings are very easy to block with a pillow or stuffed animal so kids don’t fall out.
I usually don’t write reviews, but as someone who reads them and relies on other peoples word, I decided to give a review on this bed. I bought it for my 4 and 2 year olds. It is perfect. The instructions and labeling of products were very clear. I put it together by myself (at 28 weeks pregnant) and got it up within a few hours. And that was taking multiple breaks to help my kids do things, or fix lunch for them. I’m sure it could be put up much faster with two people. Most of it was easy to assemble. The only part I struggled with was screwing the slats that hold the mattress, but I am only 5’1” and it was a little tough to get enough leverage for the top bunk. The bottom bunk was no problem. When the person on the top bunk moves around, I can’t feel it in the bottom bunk. My children are in love with their big kid bed and I highly recommend it. Worth every penny.
When we first moved into our rental home we over estimated the amount of space in our daughters room so instead of using the two separate twin beds (that we had just purchased brand new) we had to come up with a new solution and quickly. Now we wanted to avoid bunk beds bc in all honesty my children I’m sure like many others are a bit of a wild bunch a little daredevils so we had a fear of injury. After searching at all other options we finally came back to bunk beds being our best option. When I found these that seemed to be lower to the ground I had a way easier time accepting them. After husband assembled them I immediately fell in LOVE they were perfect and both kids had no issues being safe and I slept at night with peace of mind that they were fine.
If your a worried parent as my self with two little daredevils of your own don’t think twice on this set.
Perfect for my girls! The 4 year old is on the bottom, 7 year old on the top. The height allowed us to leave the fan up and allows us to reach the daughter on the top without climbing up. Good va,use for the money.
Everything was perfect!! And wanted to add my8 year old sleeps on top just fine. Me and my 4 year old sleep on the bottom bunk when he’s scared. It’s worth every penny.very sturdy
Good bunk bed for little kids
This short bunk bed is perfect for my 7 and 2 year old. Standard twin size mattress fits just right. I am very pleased with the quality of the materials. I would recommend to anyone looking for a short bunk bed.
Outstanding customer service.
Easy to assemble. A bit shorter than we thought but perfect for our little one to sleep on the bottom. The ladder hinge broke kind of quickly, BUT the company quickly sent me replacement hardware no questions asked. Outstanding customer service.
Wonderful, sturdy, compact bunk bed in a beautiful (gray) color
Great value and very sturdy. Also the color is amazing and it looks beautiful. It was pretty challenging to put together and I had to undo mistakes three times, as the instructions aren’t super easy to understand. However I am very happy with the final product and the size is perfect, nice and low so it fits well in a low-ceiling room. The lower bunk being on the floor is perfect, as my son can roll out and it’s not a concern he will hurt himself. And the top bunk openings are very easy to block with a pillow or stuffed animal so kids don’t fall out.
Pretty sturdy has held up so far I like the quality thanks
Amazing bed for small kiddos
I usually don’t write reviews, but as someone who reads them and relies on other peoples word, I decided to give a review on this bed. I bought it for my 4 and 2 year olds. It is perfect. The instructions and labeling of products were very clear. I put it together by myself (at 28 weeks pregnant) and got it up within a few hours. And that was taking multiple breaks to help my kids do things, or fix lunch for them. I’m sure it could be put up much faster with two people. Most of it was easy to assemble. The only part I struggled with was screwing the slats that hold the mattress, but I am only 5’1” and it was a little tough to get enough leverage for the top bunk. The bottom bunk was no problem. When the person on the top bunk moves around, I can’t feel it in the bottom bunk. My children are in love with their big kid bed and I highly recommend it. Worth every penny.
Perfect for your littles !
When we first moved into our rental home we over estimated the amount of space in our daughters room so instead of using the two separate twin beds (that we had just purchased brand new) we had to come up with a new solution and quickly. Now we wanted to avoid bunk beds bc in all honesty my children I’m sure like many others are a bit of a wild bunch a little daredevils so we had a fear of injury. After searching at all other options we finally came back to bunk beds being our best option. When I found these that seemed to be lower to the ground I had a way easier time accepting them. After husband assembled them I immediately fell in LOVE they were perfect and both kids had no issues being safe and I slept at night with peace of mind that they were fine. If your a worried parent as my self with two little daredevils of your own don’t think twice on this set.
Good value!
These bunks are sturdy! Took 8 hours to assemble two sets. Great for lower ceilings and younger children. Very pleased!
Perfect for our young daughters!
Perfect for my girls! The 4 year old is on the bottom, 7 year old on the top. The height allowed us to leave the fan up and allows us to reach the daughter on the top without climbing up. Good va,use for the money.
The boys love it!!!
Everything was perfect!! And wanted to add my8 year old sleeps on top just fine. Me and my 4 year old sleep on the bottom bunk when he’s scared. It’s worth every penny.very sturdy
Great quality
Love great quality!
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